I have made a fink package for jsr14 (prototype implementation of Java Generics)

https://sourceforge.net/tracker/? func=detail&atid=414256&aid=860837&group_id=17203

The source for this package is freely (as in beer) available from Sun, but is only downloadable by registered developers (free to join) after agreeing to the license.

http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/earlyAccess/adding_generics/ index.html

How do we handle such programs in Fink?

I have included in the DescDetail field the details of where to get the source, and said to download it and place in /sw/src. Is this OK?

Also what do you think the License field should be in this case. I have said "Commercial", but it on further looking, it might fit into "Restrictive".

Rohan Lloyd

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