I've seen biggles has been reintroduced in 10.3 tree but the installation script doesn't start. Here it is what I get:

Zeus:~/Installs andrea$ fink install biggles-py23
/usr/bin/sudo /sw/bin/fink install biggles-py23
Information about 2442 packages read in 3 seconds.
Failed: Can't resolve dependency "gcc2" for package "plotutils-2.4.1-6" (no matching packages/versions found)

Looking at plotutils package it turns out that it has:

BuildDepends: libpng3, gcc2

and it seems that gcc2 doesn't exist under 10.3 tree. Actually searching the packages database seems that it doesn't exist at all. Any suggestions?


Andrea Riciputi

"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out,
  but that is not the reason we are doing it" -- (Richard Feynman)

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