I had also to change some settings in the common makefile, but I am not sure how to do this.
The best way to learn this is still by example: Look at other info files.
SetFOO only works for some specific variables, see the packaging reference guide http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/packaging/reference.php#fields
How can I define an environment variable in the .info file?
You can set env variables in the CompileScript, either on the command line or in a multiline script started by #!/bin/sh
Another question is about documentation.
Is "DocFiles:" sufficient to automatically copy documentation files to %i/share/doc/%n?
Yes, but no subdirectories.
Is there a way to recursively add the content of a doc folder (with something like doc/*)?
Subdirectories still have to be copied by hand, AFAIK.
And finally, I have put .info and .patch files in /sw/fink/dists/local/main to test them. But "fink install" tells me "Failed: no package found for specification 'bsvc'!"
You forgot the finkinfo directory. If you have foo/bar in the Trees line of your /sw/etc/fink.conf, fink looks in /sw/fink/dists/foo/bar/finkinfo
Here is the .info file, can you tell me if something is wrong or missing?[]
## Compile Phase SetPROJECT_BASE: %b
CompileScript: make -f src/Makefile.MacOSX all
Two possibilities (I don't know if a) works in your situation)
a) CompileScript: PROJECT_BASE=%b make -f src/Makefile.MacOSX all
b) CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh export PROJECT_BASE=%b make -f src/Makefile.MacOSX all <<
## Install Phase InstallScript: make -f src/Makefile.MacOSX install
This sound suspiciously like it would install directly into /sw. Bad! You probably need something like DESTDIR=%d or prefix=%i
-- Martin
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