Hash: RIPEMD160

Gary Kerbaugh wrote:

on 3/27/04 12:49 PM, David H. wrote:

Hoi Mister Kerbaugh

Hoi back 'atchya,

Hoi polloi-'R-us, eh? However please, it's Gary. :-)

Well it is David then. Where I live it is not common to use the first name when addressing "strangers", so hello Gary.

It looks like to me that using my fix and setting DESTDIR in the
InstallScript would fix this problem.

Yes, that is what I realised as well. This is the "fix" I am using now.

    So that does fix it? Great! It's my impression from what I read that
this is very close to the original intent of the $DESTDIR variable. There's
one other issue that I just noticed. To be in line with the new zsh install
location, the two ConfigureParams should be:

Fine, we want to be conforming with the rules :)

    I distribute the scripts at http://kerbaugh.uncfsu.edu/zsh.tar.gz. If
you unpack the tarball in your home directory, it will create an init/zsh in
your ~/Library directory. The scripts are inside that. To use with fink, I'd
have to repack the tarball with a different directory structure (no-brainer)
and edit references between scripts with a one-line Perl substitution so
that would be the easiest thing in the world to do.

    As far as whether or not to include it with zsh, I have to defer to your
experience. As I think about it, it does seem easier to make it a separate
package. The zsh-script.info should be pretty easy and I could alter the
scripts without having to change the zsh package. I'll let you know when I
write it. It won't take that long but I don't have much time at the moment.

good. Do you think your scripts make zsh a better default experience ? If so then we can depend on the zsh-scripts.info from within the zsh.info
    I apologize for how slow my response is but NASA's X-43A Mach 7 scramjet
is just about to launch. If you like that kind of thing and you have Real
Player, you can watch on web TV by going to
http://www.nasa.gov/missions/research/daily_updates.html and clicking on
NASA TV. Fortunately, there is finally a free Real Player that is OS X
native. The "show" is probably on the NASA TV channel if your cable co. has
I am watching :)

- -d

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


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