Jeff Whitaker wrote:

All:  I'm working on a new r-base package which will include R built as a
framework and (in addition to the command line X11 version of R).  I
went back and re-read the thread on .apps in Fink, but it didn't seem like
there was any consensus on the issue of whether to install symlinks or
aliases for apps in %p/Applications.  My new r-base package now does this:

1) installs the framework in %pLibrary/Frameworks.

2) installs the .app in %p/Applications.

3) puts a symlink to %p/Applications/ in /Applications/Fink/
(in a post-install script).

4) removes the symlink in a pre-rm script.

Just one question: What is the advantage of pre/post inst/rem scripts in comparison with just creating the symlink in the InstallScript? I find the latter cleaner, because you see the /Applications/Fink/ in a "dpkg -L" listing. In a later stage, this part could perhaps be done by fink automatically, with a "Applications:" field or something similar.

Is this reasonable - or should I hold off on this pending further

I am in favor of accepting this now.

BTW: python and tcltk could be packaged to do this as well.

I have a tcltk-aqua info file for version 8.5a1 that I will soon put into my experimental directory. I think we need a couple of working examples in order to find the points that still need discussing, like how frameworks fit with the shlibs philosophy, or: Should all .apps be pulled out into %p/Applications, even if they are by default created inside the framework (Wish in the case of tcltk-aqua).


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