Le 18 juin 2004, à 16:20, Benjamin Reed a écrit :

Well, it implies that they're reachable by other packages trying to
build things from source; I would say that as long as they're in a
"public" place that other packages can end up linking against, they
should be BuildDependsOnly.  If you *also* need them as some kind of
runtime reference, then make a copy to treat as data files, that can be
supplied with the runtime portion of the package.
Does it imply indirectly too that there is a shared library portion of the package, or can I have only header in a part (made BuildDependsOnly), the reminder in other one (with the copy you mentioned if needed) and no shared libraries at all?

foo (the runtime package)
foo-dev (with headers only)

or should I have:

To fix the idea (as cssed new version is not in Fink at the moment), is scribus OK with this policy at the time being (Martin are you listening?).


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