Hi folks.  I'm contemplating doing away with the local/bootstrap tree.

Currently, it is used during bootstrap, and it is also used if you run
the ./inject.pl script for one of the fink-managed packages (fink,
base-files, fink-mirrors, fink-prebinding).

I've concluded, though, that it is not necessary during bootstrapping, and
even a bit harmful, since it leaves a bunch of .deb's in the corresponding
binary-* directory.  This is confusing to dpkg later on, since the .info
files will move the the stable/main/finkinfo/base directory, and the files
appear to "belong" in section "base" but the debs are in bootstrap.  So I'm
thinking of just putting everything in base from the outset.

(This has the implication that all of the packages used in the bootstrap
should go in base, so I'll be moving a few perl module packages for that

As far as the ./inject.pl scripts go, I would have them use the local/main 
tree.  This means that some foo.info files would get written to that
tree's finkinfo directory, but I'll save the old file as a backup and
won't overwrite without permission.

Does anybody see any drawbacks to this?  Anything I've overlooked?


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