I'm trying to modify some of the packages that I maintain in order to use the "variant" feature. Mostly all my packages consist in Python modules that always have come in two flawors (-py22, -py23).

1) Is the following naming scheme correct?
Info2: <<
 Package: module_name-py%%type_pkg[python]
 Type: python (2.2, 2.3)
 Version: xxxx
 Revision: x

2) Some of the packages need patch files where I change path according to the Python's flawor:

- glob.glob(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "pyx", "*.lfs"))
+ glob.glob(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "pyx-py23", "*.lfs")) +

How can I fix this in order to work correctly with the variants??

3) From the documentation I've seen examples like this:

Depends: (%type_raw[-x11] = -x11) x11

How can I check against the "no-x11" variants? I can imagine that something like this:

Depends: (%type_raw[-x11] != -x11) something_else_dependency

will do the trick? Right?

Thanks in advance,

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