This fails validation:

Validating package file
Warning: Field "patchscript" appears to contain %p/src. (
Warning: Field "installscript" appears to contain %p/src. (
Warning: Patch file appears to contain a hardcoded /sw. (ccp4.patch)

On Aug 7, 2004, at 10:39 PM, William Scott wrote:

Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/stable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory

Added Files: ccp4.patch
Log Message:
ccp4 promoting to stable/sci 10.3

--- NEW FILE: ---
Package: ccp4
Version: 5.0.1
Revision: 15
# Revision 15 includes all released patches up through July 27 2004
Source-MD5: c2087efdd9c30ccfd39ac5e60d1fdfde
SourceDirectory: %n-%v
Source2-MD5: 21568dd2475505929573a3fd452c538f
Depends: x11, tcltk, blt
BuildDepends: g77 (>= 3.4.0-2), f2c, fort77, tcltk-dev
Replaces: mosflm (<= 6.2.3-2), mosflm-small (<= 6.2.3-2), refmac (<= 5.1999-3)
NoSetLDFLAGS: true
Patch: %n.patch
PatchScript: <<
#!/bin/zsh -f
umask 0022
# setup script for tchs, zsh and bash users
perl -pi -e 's|/sw|%p|g' include/%n.setup* # location of tcktk, blt
perl -pi -e 's|/xtal|%p/src/%f|g' include/%n.setup* # build prefix (changed in install)
cp include/%n.setup-dist include/%n.setup
# Quick-fix for some compilation header omissions
cp %p/include/f2c.h lib/ccif/g2c.h
cp %p/include/f2c.h lib/src/g2c.h
cp %p/include/f2c.h lib/g2c.h
cp %p/include/f2c.h x-windows/Mosflm/cbf/src/g2c.h
cp %p/include/f2c.h x-windows/Mosflm/src/g2c.h
cp %p/include/f2c.h x-windows/RasMol/src/g2c.h
cp %p/include/f2c.h x-windows/ipdisp/src/g2c.h
cp %p/include/f2c.h x-windows/xdl_view/src/g2c.h
# Set up XCCPJiffy wrapper scripts in $CCP4/etc
perl -pi -e 's|/sw|%p|g' etc/x*
chmod a+x etc/x*
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/zsh -f
umask 0022
. include/%n.setup-sh
./configure --with-x Darwin
# fix a post-configure bug
perl -pi -e 's/EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS = -lg2c//g' x-windows/XCCPJIFFY/Imakefile
make -i
make -i install
mv $CBIN/xplot84driver $CBIN/xplot84driver.exe
# Manually link xloggraph with g77 (fails in make)
cd x-windows/XCCPJIFFY
g77 -fno-second-underscore -o xloggraph -L/usr/lib msg_box.o ZDr2d.o EditString.o hardcopy_ctrl.o xloggraph.o log_file.o tom_fortran_interface.o bits_and_pieces.o graphics.o -g -Os -I/usr/include/X11R6 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXpm -lXext -lX11 -lm -lgcc
cp xloggraph $CBIN/xloggraph.exe
cd ../..
make clean
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/zsh -f
umask 0022
. include/%n.setup-sh
# Change environment scripts to match final installation
perl -pi -e 's|%p/src/%f|%p/share/xtal|g' include/%n.setup-sh # install prefix
perl -pi -e 's|%p/src/%f|%p/share/xtal|g' include/%n.setup # install prefix
mkdir -p %i/share/xtal/%n-%v
mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1
# set up man pages in a fink-compliant manner
cd %p/src/%n-%v-%r/%n-%v/doc
mv rasmol.doc eightbit_rasmol.doc
foreach docfilepage ( *.doc )
cp ${docfilepage} %i/share/man/man1/${docfilepage:r}.1
# back to source directory
cd %p/src/%n-%v-%r/%n-%v
# install everything in one place -- users will require this
cp -R * %i/share/xtal/%n-%v/.
mkdir -p %i/lib/app-defaults
gunzip ../XCCPJiffy-custom.gz ; chmod a+x ../XCCPJiffy-custom
mv lib/X11/app-defaults/XCCPJiffy lib/X11/app-defaults/XCCPJiffy-dist
cp ../XCCPJiffy-custom lib/X11/app-defaults/XCCPJiffy
cp ../XCCPJiffy-custom %i/lib/app-defaults/XCCPJiffy
# make scripts for %p/etc/profile.d
mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d
echo "source %p/share/xtal/%n-%v/include/%n.setup" > %i/etc/profile.d/%n.csh
echo ". %p/share/xtal/%n-%v/include/%n.setup-sh" > %i/etc/profile.d/
chmod a+x %i/etc/profile.d/%n.*
# needed for compilation of ancilliary programs such as future versions of mosflm
ranlib %i/share/xtal/%n-%v/lib/*.a
Description: Macromolecular crystallography package
DescDetail: <<
CCP4 macromolecular crystallography program suite
This version compiles with Apple's Lapack/Blas
License agreement is part of configure file -- print out form and mail in,
additional comments at
CCP4 files will be installed under /sw/share/xtal/ccp4-5.0.1
DocFiles: README CHANGES COPYING PROBLEMS INSTALL INSTALL.html ccp4i_installation.html academic_software_licence.pdf academic_software_licence.rtf
License: Restrictive
Maintainer: W. G. Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- NEW FILE: ccp4.patch ---
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/ccp4i/scripts/dhm_tool.script ccp4-5.0.1/ccp4i/scripts/dhm_tool.script
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/ccp4i/scripts/dhm_tool.script 2004-07-02 08:56:14.000000000 -0700
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/ccp4i/scripts/dhm_tool.script 2004-07-12 16:12:40.000000000 -0700
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@

 if { $PDB_EXTRACT == 1 && $XML != 1 } {

- if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "scaling" && $SCALING != "" } {
+ if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "scaling" && $SCALING != "" &&
+ ($SCALING_LOGIN != "" || $SCALING1_LOGIN != "" || $SCALING_CIFIN != "") } {
append cmd " -s " $SCALING
if { $SCALING_LOGIN != "" } {
append cmd " -iLOG " $SCALING_LOGIN
@@ -25,7 +26,9 @@

- if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "phasing" && $EXP_MENU != "" && $PHASING != ""} {
+ if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "phasing" && $EXP_MENU != "" && $PHASING != ""
+ && ($PHASING_LOGIN != "" || $PHASING1_LOGIN != "" ||
+ $PHASING_PDBIN != "" || $PHASING_CIFIN != "") } {
append cmd " -e " $EXP_MENU
append cmd " -p " $PHASING
if { $PHASING_LOGIN != "" } {
@@ -44,7 +47,9 @@

- if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "replacement" && $REPLACEMENT != "" } { + if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "replacement" && $REPLACEMENT != "" && + ( $REPLACEMENT_LOGIN != "" || $REPLACEMENT1_LOGIN != "" || + $REPLACEMENT_CIFIN != "") } { append cmd " -m " $REPLACEMENT if { $REPLACEMENT_LOGIN != "" } { append cmd " -iLOG " $REPLACEMENT_LOGIN @@ -59,7 +64,8 @@ }

- if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "den_mod" && $DEN_MOD != "" } { + if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "den_mod" && $DEN_MOD != "" && + ( $DM_LOGIN != "" || $DM_CIFIN != "") } { append cmd " -d " $DEN_MOD if { $DM_LOGIN != "" } { append cmd " -iLOG " $DM_LOGIN @@ -71,7 +77,8 @@ }

- if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "refinement" && $REFINEMENT != "" } {
+ if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "refinement" && $REFINEMENT != "" &&
+ ($REFINE_CIFIN != "" || $REFINE_PDBIN != "" || $REFINE_LOGIN != "")} {
append cmd " -r " $REFINEMENT
if { $REFINE_CIFIN != "" } {
append cmd " -iCIF " $REFINE_CIFIN
@@ -97,7 +104,8 @@

        if { $EXTRACT_STEP == "merge" } {

- if { $SCALING != "" } {
+ if { $SCALING != "" &&
+ ($SCALING_LOGIN != "" || $SCALING1_LOGIN != "" || $SCALING_CIFIN != "")} {
append cmd " -s " $SCALING
if { $SCALING_LOGIN != "" } {
append cmd " -iLOG " $SCALING_LOGIN
@@ -111,7 +119,9 @@

- if { $EXP_MENU != "" && $PHASING != ""} { + if { $EXP_MENU != "" && $PHASING != "" && + ($PHASING_LOGIN != "" || $PHASING1_LOGIN != "" || + $PHASING_PDBIN != "" || $PHASING_CIFIN != "" )} { append cmd " -e " $EXP_MENU append cmd " -p " $PHASING if { $PHASING_LOGIN != "" } { @@ -129,7 +139,9 @@ }

- if { $REPLACEMENT != "" } { + if { $REPLACEMENT != "" && + ($REPLACEMENT_LOGIN != "" || $REPLACEMENT1_LOGIN != ""|| + $REPLACEMENT_CIFIN != "") } { append cmd " -m " $REPLACEMENT if { $REPLACEMENT_LOGIN != "" } { append cmd " -iLOG " $REPLACEMENT_LOGIN @@ -143,7 +155,8 @@ }

- if { $DEN_MOD != "" } { + if { $DEN_MOD != "" && + ($DM_LOGIN != "" || $DM_CIFIN != "")} { append cmd " -d " $DEN_MOD if { $DM_LOGIN != "" } { append cmd " -iLOG " $DM_LOGIN @@ -154,7 +167,8 @@ }

- if { $REFINEMENT != "" } {
+ if { $REFINEMENT != "" &&
+ ($REFINE_CIFIN != "" || $REFINE_PDBIN != "" || $REFINE_LOGIN != "")} {
append cmd " -r " $REFINEMENT
if { $REFINE_CIFIN != "" } {
append cmd " -iCIF " $REFINE_CIFIN
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/ccp4i/tasks/fffear.tcl ccp4-5.0.1/ccp4i/tasks/fffear.tcl
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/ccp4i/tasks/fffear.tcl 2004-01-26 03:24:01.000000000 -0800
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/ccp4i/tasks/fffear.tcl 2004-07-12 16:13:14.000000000 -0700
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
emp-turn_b-9 \
emp-helixend-9 \
theor-helix-10 \
- theor-strand-5 \
- theor-helix-10 \
+ theor-helix-5 \
+ theor-strand-10 \
theor-strand-5 ]

diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/etc/xloggraph ccp4-5.0.1/etc/xloggraph
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/etc/xloggraph 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/etc/xloggraph 2004-07-12 16:13:49.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export XUSERFILESEARCHPATH=/sw/lib/app-defaults/XCCPJiffy
+xloggraph.exe "$@" &
+print "Plot button sends pdf to Preview. Print or save pdf in Preview window."
+exit 0
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/etc/xplot84 ccp4-5.0.1/etc/xplot84
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/etc/xplot84 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/etc/xplot84 2004-07-12 16:13:44.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export XUSERFILESEARCHPATH=/sw/lib/app-defaults/XCCPJiffy
+xplot84driver.exe "$@" &
+print "Plot button sends pdf to Preview. Print or save pdf in Preview window."
+exit 0
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/etc/xplot84driver ccp4-5.0.1/etc/xplot84driver
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/etc/xplot84driver 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/etc/xplot84driver 2004-07-12 16:13:44.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export XUSERFILESEARCHPATH=/sw/lib/app-defaults/XCCPJiffy
+xplot84driver.exe "$@" &
+print "Plot button sends pdf to Preview. Print or save pdf in Preview window."
+exit 0
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/include/ccp4.setup-bash ccp4-5.0.1/include/ccp4.setup-bash
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/include/ccp4.setup-bash 2004-07-05 07:53:54.000000000 -0700
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/include/ccp4.setup-bash 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-# CCP4 setup file for bash or ksh (untested) users. -*- shell-script -*-
-# Actually, the aliases can't work asis in ksh. Should use builtins instead
-# and not worry about ease of keeping in step with the csh one.
-# $Id: ccp4.setup-bash,v 1.61 2004/07/05 14:53:54 pjx Exp $
-# This file is site specific and may also contain machine-specifics. The CCP4
-# administrator will have to edit this file and then have anyone who wants to
-# use CCP4 source it from their .login file. They will require the full path
-# name since no environment variables relevant to CCP4 are known until this is
-# executed.
-# For sites with more than one machine, it is recommended that the suite is
-# installed on a single machine and other machines access the source code, and
-# shareable files (such as this one) via shared file systems with NFS, RFS
-# etc. Non-shareable files reside in $CBIN and $CLIB (see below).
-# Copy this file to ccp4.setup and customise it for your needs. There are
-# three sections. You MUST check the first section. You may want to check
-# the second. You don't need to look at the third.
-################### THIS SECTION SHOULDN'T NEED EDITING #####################
-# first emulate csh setenv and alias so we can keep the bash and csh
-# versions as similar as possible
-setenv () { export $1="$2" ; }
-# Note that bash has a (different) alias command so we need to undo this
-# later. I wonder if it is robust :-)
-if [ "`basename $SHELL`" != "ksh" ]; then # can't redefine alias in ksh
-alias () { eval `echo $1; shift; echo '() { ' $*; echo '; }'` ; }
-################### THIS SECTION MUST BE EDITED #####################
-# CCP4_MASTER is the location of the top-level directory containing `ccp4-<version>'
-# This is usually the directory in which you ran the tar command to unpack the
-# code, and is assumed to be shared between machines at a multi-machine site.
-setenv CCP4_MASTER /xtal
-setenv CCP4 $CCP4_MASTER/ccp4-5.0.1
-# Check for existence of CCP4_MASTER
-if (! test -d $CCP4_MASTER) ; then
- echo "********************* WARNING **********************"
- echo "The directory $CCP4_MASTER"
- echo "(assigned to CCP4_MASTER) does not exist."
- echo "The CCP4 programs will not run correctly, and any"
- echo "installation attempt will have errors or will fail."
- echo "********************* WARNING **********************"
-# CCP4_SCR: a per-user directory for run-time-generated scratch
-# files. A dedicated scratch filesystem is probably better than (/usr)/tmp
-# BINSORT_SCR: a scratch directory for binsort's use; normally same as CCP4_SCR
-setenv CCP4_SCR /tmp/$USER
-# check to see if this exists and if not try to make it
-test -d $CCP4_SCR || mkdir $CCP4_SCR
-test -d $CCP4_SCR || \
- echo "Unable to make CCP4_SCR. CCP4 progs will not run correctly."
-### CCP4i setup - you may need to edit CCP4I_TCLTK ###
-# CCP4I_TOP - the top directory of the interface
-setenv CCP4I_TOP ${CCP4}/ccp4i
-# CCP4I_TCLTK - directory containing tclsh,wish and bltwish executables
-# as used in $CCP4I_TOP/bin/ccp4i,ccp4ish,loggraph
-# For 'standard' installations this is /usr/local/bin
-# but note the SGI distributed version of Tcl/Tk is not
-# appropriate version
-setenv CCP4I_TCLTK /usr/local/bin
-# CCP4I_HELP - directory contain ccp4i help - default is $CCP4I_TOP/help
-setenv CCP4I_HELP ${CCP4I_TOP}/help
-### Optional - setting http_proxy environment
-# The commented out 'setenv' line below may have to be declared to download
-# and edit protein sequences using the new "Import/Edit Protein Sequences"
-# (This may also be required for remote job submission in arp/warp.)
-# task. If so, uncomment this line and replace the example proxy URL with your
-# relevant URL
-#setenv HTTP_PROXY
-################### NOVICE USERS STOP HERE #####################
-################### OPTIONS TO CUSTOMISE CCP4 #####################
-# By default, CCP4 directories are appended to the end of paths (PATH,
-# LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH). If ccp4_first_in_path is set
-# to 1, then they will be prepended to the beginning of paths.
-# The commented-out switch statement below provides an example of how
-# to use this file for several machines/architectures sharing $CCP4_MASTER.
-# If necessary, uncomment and edit this. Otherwise, if you're only supporting
-# a single system alter the uncommented part as necessary.
-# The significance of the environment variables is as follows:
-# CBIN: location of the executables -- must be on your path (see below);
-# CLIB: location of (binary) library files such as libccp4.a and;
-# MANPATH: set this if your system's `man' looks at such an environment
-# variable to determine where to look for man pages. By adding
-# $CCP4/man to the normal path you get the CCP4 man pages
-# with keyword searching as system ones.
-# MCTYPE: used for LAUE make -- see LAUE documentation
-# CCP4_BROWSER: set this if you intend to use the html documentation
-# (recommended). It should have the path and name of a html browser eg
-# /usr/bin/X11/netscape or /usr/local/bin/lynx. The browser will be
-# started with the alias ccp4help and will open the file
-# $CHTML/INDEX.html.
-# case `hostname` in # edit this case statement if used
-# # for multiple systems
-# foo)
- setenv CBIN $CCP4/bin
- setenv CLIB $CCP4/lib
- setenv CCP4_BROWSER netscape
- if test "$MANPATH"; then
- if [ $ccp4_first_in_path -eq 1 ]; then
- setenv MANPATH ${CCP4}/man:${MANPATH}
- else
- setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:${CCP4}/man
- fi
- else
- if [ $ccp4_first_in_path -eq 1 ]; then
- setenv MANPATH ${CCP4}/man:/usr/share/man
- else
- setenv MANPATH /usr/share/man:${CCP4}/man
- fi
- fi
- setenv MCTYPE unix # (only for Laue)
-# ;;
-# *)
-# echo "CCP4 not implemented on this system"
-# exit 1
-# ;;
-# esac
-case `uname` in
-*Darwin* )
- ulimit -s 65536
- ;;
-* )
- ;;
-# The following are for all systems
-setenv CCP4_LIB $CLIB
-setenv CCP4_BIN $CBIN
-# CLASSPATH for Java
-if test "$CLASSPATH"; then
- if [ $ccp4_first_in_path -eq 1 ]; then
- else
- fi
- if [ $ccp4_first_in_path -eq 1 ]; then
- setenv CLASSPATH ${CBIN}:.
- else
- setenv CLASSPATH .:${CBIN}
- fi
-### PLOT_COMMAND PRINT_COMMAND for the XCCPJIFFY programs to compile ###
-setenv PLOT_COMMAND 'lp -s -dmicrolaser'
-setenv PRINT_COMMAND 'lp -s -denscript'
-# HARVESTHOME specifies location of harvesting files (defaults to $HOME)
-### CCP4_OPEN ###
-# CCP4_OPEN may be set to 'UNKNOWN' to stop open failures for files opened
-# as NEW that already exist. Novices should use 'NEW' to avoid inadvertant
-# over-writing of existing files, which is then treated as a fatal error.
-### BINSORT_MEM ###
-# BINSORT_MEM is workspace used by the binsort program. In principle this
-# value is machine-dependent. It may benefit from being enlarged, but values
-# higher than 2M have been reported to cause excessive paging on some systems.
-# You might like to experiment with a program such as fft with different
-# values -- 102400 (bytes) is the default. csh's `time' command can tell you
-# about paging.
-# setenv BINSORT_MEM 8388608
-# LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies where to find dynamic libraries (e.g.
-# at runtime
-if test "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; then
- if [ $ccp4_first_in_path -eq 1 ]; then
- else
- fi
-# DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies where to find dynamic libraries (e.g. libccp4.dylib)
-# at runtime (used on Mac OS X)
-if test "$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"; then
- if [ $ccp4_first_in_path -eq 1 ]; then
- else
- fi
-# If you want to use xloggraph/xplot84driver, you need to get the application
-# defaults picked up somehow. As distributed, the file can't just live in an
-# application defaults directory since it requires reading by xrdb to sort out
-# the differences for monochrome displays. At Daresbury a version of the file
-# assuming a monochrome display is kept in the directory
-# $CCP4_LIB/X11/app-defaults and this is picked up through the
-# XUSERFILESEARCHPATH environment variable. That means you only see black and
-# white on a colour display. Alternatively you might make sure that it is
-# read by xrdb on startup of the X Windows system or delegate the
-# responsibility to users to run it. There are disadvantages to putting an
-# invocation of xrdb in here, one being that the correct value of DISPLAY may
-# not be set at the time this file is read. Thus edit this part as
-# appropriate. (SunOS will normally want to use /usr/openwin or $OPENWINHOME
-# instead of /usr; others may want /usr/local/lib or somw such):
- setenv XUSERFILESEARCHPATH $CCP4_LIB/X11/app-defaults/%N:/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
-### TRAPPFE ###
-# TRAPFPE is set to ensure (in collaboration with -lfpe) an abort on floating
-# point exceptions under IRIX. It shouldn't cause harm on other systems, but
-# edit this to comment it out if necessary.
-# The following can be used to put a message of the day to announce news about
-# CCP4 or whatever to CCP4 users. You might also want to edit this part to
-# have machine-specific messages dependent on `hostname`.
-test -r $CCP4/include/ccp4.msg && cat $CCP4/include/ccp4.msg
-################### EXPERIENCED USERS STOP HERE #####################
-################### THE REST SHOULDN'T NEED EDITING #####################
-### MMCIFDIC is now defined here. cif_mmdic.lib is a binary file ===
-# so on multiple installs it need to be unique and not in $CLIBD
-setenv MMCIFDIC $CLIB/cif_mmdic.lib
-### MOLREPLIB Point to the location of the files bs-zeros.dat ps.resource symlib.blc
-# They are distributed with CCP4 in $CLIBD. This env must have the trailing \ or /
-setenv MOLREPLIB $CCP4/lib/data/monomers/
-### CLIBD_MON Point to the location of the dictionary files for REFMAC5
-# They are distributed with CCP4 in $CLIBD/monomers. This env must have
-# the trailing \ or /
-setenv CLIBD_MON $CCP4/lib/data/monomers/
-# (essential for the relevant programs)
-setenv PUBLIC_FONT84 $CLIB/font84.dat # plot84 fonts [used by plot84lib]
-# location of VMS-style help files required for mosflm [used by hlplib, chelp,
-# chlp, (ip)mosflm]:
-setenv CCP4_HELPDIR $CCP4/help/ # NB trailing /
-setenv HELPDIR $CCP4_HELPDIR # for chelp
-setenv MOSHELPFILE mosflm # required by (ip)mosflm
-# Rasmol path. Needed for prog. to find rasmol.hlp
-setenv RASMOLPATH $CCP4/x-windows/RasMol/src
-# CCP4 executables and scripts live in $CBIN and $CETC respectively; put them
-# on the path in an appropriate order for scripts to be used as wrappers for
-# binaries of the same name. Put ccp4 stuff after the current path to avoid
-# confusion with `.' or whatever in the path:
-# This construct prevents the path getting longer each time ccp4.setup is
-# executed (A. Perrakis)
-ccp4pathlist="${CCP4}/etc ${CBIN} ${CCP4I_TOP}/bin "
-for dir in ${ccp4pathlist}; do
- if [ `expr ":${PATH}:" : ".*:${dir}:"` -eq 0 ]; then
- if [ $ccp4_first_in_path -eq 1 ]; then
- setenv PATH ${dir}:${PATH}
- else
- setenv PATH ${PATH}:${dir}
- fi
- fi
-# Optional (useful) additional environment variables
- setenv CCP4 $CCP4
- setenv CDOC $CCP4/doc
- setenv CHTML $CCP4/html
- setenv CETC $CCP4/etc
- setenv CEXAM $CCP4/examples
- setenv CINCL $CCP4/include
- setenv CLIBD $CCP4/lib/data
- setenv CLIBS $CCP4/lib/src
- setenv CPROG $CCP4/src
-if [ "`basename $SHELL`" != "ksh" ]; then
-# useful aliases, at least for developers
- alias ccp4 'pushd $CCP4>/dev/null'
- alias xtal 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER>/dev/null'
- alias cbin 'pushd $CBIN>/dev/null'
- alias cetc 'pushd $CETC>/dev/null'
- alias cprog 'pushd $CPROG>/dev/null'
- alias cincl 'pushd $CINCL>/dev/null'
- alias clib 'pushd $CLIB>/dev/null'
- alias clibd 'pushd $CLIBD>/dev/null'
- alias clibs 'pushd $CLIBS>/dev/null'
- alias cbin 'pushd $CBIN>/dev/null'
- alias cexam 'pushd $CEXAM>/dev/null'
- alias cdoc 'pushd $CDOC>/dev/null'
- alias chtml 'pushd $CHTML>/dev/null'
- alias ccp4help '$CCP4_BROWSER $CHTML/INDEX.html \&'
-### laue, lget, linkimages ###
-# Essential aliases for the Laue software suite
- alias laue '$CCP4_MASTER/laue/cmd/laue.cmd'
- alias lget '$CCP4_MASTER/laue/cmd/lget.cmd'
- alias linkimages '$CCP4_MASTER/laue/cmd/linkimages.cmd'
-# additional useful aliases for Laue directories
- alias llaue 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue'
- alias lsrc 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/src>/dev/null'
- alias llib 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/lib>/dev/null'
- alias llibs 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/lib/src>/dev/null'
- alias ldoc 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/doc>/dev/null'
- alias lmak 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/make>/dev/null'
- alias lutils 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/utils>/dev/null'
- alias lcmd 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/cmd>/dev/null'
- alias ldl 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/dl>/dev/null'
- alias ltestd 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/testdata>/dev/null'
- alias lxdl 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/xdl_view>/dev/null'
- alias lxdls 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/xdl_view/src>/dev/null'
- alias lgnom 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/gnom>/dev/null'
- alias lgnoms 'pushd $CCP4_MASTER/laue/gnom/src>/dev/null'
- alias lbin 'pushd $CBIN>/dev/null'
- unset alias # clean up
-fi # ksh test
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/include/ccp4.setup-dist ccp4-5.0.1/include/ccp4.setup-dist
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/include/ccp4.setup-dist 2004-07-05 07:53:55.000000000 -0700
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/include/ccp4.setup-dist 2004-07-12 16:09:21.000000000 -0700
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
setenv CCP4I_TOP ${CCP4}/ccp4i
# CCP4I_TCLTK - directory containing tclsh,wish and bltwish executables
# as used in $CCP4I_TOP/bin/ccp4i,ccp4ish,loggraph
-# For 'standard' installations this is /usr/local/bin
+# For 'standard' installations this is /sw/bin
# but note the SGI distributed version of Tcl/Tk is not
# appropriate version
-setenv CCP4I_TCLTK /usr/local/bin
+setenv CCP4I_TCLTK /sw/bin
# CCP4I_HELP - directory contain ccp4i help - default is $CCP4I_TOP/help
setenv CCP4I_HELP ${CCP4I_TOP}/help

@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
# MCTYPE: used for LAUE make -- see LAUE documentation
# CCP4_BROWSER: set this if you intend to use the html documentation
# (recommended). It should have the path and name of a html browser eg
-# /usr/bin/X11/netscape or /usr/local/bin/lynx. The browser will be
+# /usr/bin/X11/open or /sw/bin/lynx. The browser will be
# started with the alias ccp4help and will open the file
# $CHTML/INDEX.html.

@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
     setenv CBIN      $CCP4/bin         
     setenv CLIB      $CCP4/lib 

-    setenv CCP4_BROWSER  netscape
+    setenv CCP4_BROWSER  open

     if (${?MANPATH}) then
       if ($ccp4_first_in_path) then
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@

### PLOT_COMMAND PRINT_COMMAND for the XCCPJIFFY programs to compile ###
-setenv PLOT_COMMAND 'lp -s -dmicrolaser'
-setenv PRINT_COMMAND 'lp -s -denscript'
+setenv PLOT_COMMAND 'lpr'
+setenv PRINT_COMMAND 'lpr'

# HARVESTHOME specifies location of harvesting files (defaults to $HOME)
@@ -178,51 +178,10 @@
# setenv BINSORT_MEM 8388608

-# LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies where to find dynamic libraries (e.g.
-# at runtime
-if (${?LD_LIBRARY_PATH}) then
- if ($ccp4_first_in_path) then
- else
- endif
-# DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies where to find dynamic libraries (e.g. libccp4.dylib)
-# at runtime (used on Mac OS X)
-if (${?DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}) then
- if ($ccp4_first_in_path) then
- else
- endif
+# LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH unset per fink policy


-# If you want to use xloggraph/xplot84driver, you need to get the application
-# defaults picked up somehow. As distributed, the file can't just live in an
-# application defaults directory since it requires reading by xrdb to sort out
-# the differences for monochrome displays. At Daresbury a version of the file
-# assuming a monochrome display is kept in the directory
-# $CCP4_LIB/X11/app-defaults and this is picked up through the
-# XUSERFILESEARCHPATH environment variable. That means you only see black and
-# white on a colour display. Alternatively you might make sure that it is
-# read by xrdb on startup of the X Windows system or delegate the
-# responsibility to users to run it. There are disadvantages to putting an
-# invocation of xrdb in here, one being that the correct value of DISPLAY may
-# not be set at the time this file is read. Thus edit this part as
-# appropriate. (SunOS will normally want to use /usr/openwin or $OPENWINHOME
-# instead of /usr; others may want /usr/local/lib or somw such):
- setenv XUSERFILESEARCHPATH $CCP4_LIB/X11/app-defaults/%N:/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
+# XUSERFILESEARCHPATH environment variable set in wrapper shell scripts.

### TRAPPFE ###
# TRAPFPE is set to ensure (in collaboration with -lfpe) an abort on floating
@@ -274,8 +233,9 @@
# confusion with `.' or whatever in the path:
# This construct prevents the path getting longer each time ccp4.setup is
-# executed (A. Perrakis)
-set ccp4pathlist = "${CCP4}/etc ${CBIN} ${CCP4I_TOP}/bin "
+# executed (A. Perrakis). This was done wrong in the original file.
+set ccp4pathlist = "${CCP4}/etc:${CBIN}:${CCP4I_TOP}/bin"
foreach dir ( ${ccp4pathlist} )
if ( ${?PATH} ) then
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/include/ccp4.setup-sh ccp4-5.0.1/include/ccp4.setup-sh
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/include/ccp4.setup-sh 2003-11-12 07:23:49.000000000 -0800
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/include/ccp4.setup-sh 2004-07-12 16:05:09.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
#! /bin/sh
# [The above is just for emacs -- this file should not be executed.]

-# CCP4 setup file for bash or ksh (untested) users. Actually, the aliases
-# can't work asis in ksh. Should use builtins instead and not worry about
-# ease of keeping in step with the csh one.
+# CCP4 setup file for OS X bash or zsh users.

 # $Id: ccp4.setup-sh,v 1.3 2003/11/12 15:23:49 ccb Exp $

@@ -13,22 +12,15 @@
# name since no environment variables relevant to CCP4 are known until this is
# executed.

-# For sites with more than one machine, it is recommended that the suite is
-# installed on a single machine and other machines access the source code, and
-# shareable files (such as this one) via shared file systems with NFS, RFS
-# etc. Non-shareable files reside in $CBIN and $CLIB (see below).
-# Copy this file to ccp4.setup and customise it for your needs. There are
-# three sections. You MUST check the first section. You may want to check
-# the second. You don't need to look at the third.
+# This should be set up correctly for fink users of CCP4.

-################### THIS SECTION MUST BE EDITED #####################
+################### THIS SECTION has already been EDITED #####################

# CCP4_MASTER is the location of the top-level directory containing `ccp4'.
-# This is assumed to be shared between machines at a multi-machine site.
+# This is usually /sw/share/xtal for a fink installation.

 export CCP4_MASTER=/xtal
-export CCP4=$CCP4_MASTER/ccp4-5.0d
+export CCP4=$CCP4_MASTER/ccp4-5.0.1

# CCP4_SCR: a per-user directory for run-time-generated scratch
# files. A dedicated scratch filesystem is probably better than (/usr)/tmp
@@ -46,7 +38,7 @@
export CCP4I_TOP=$CCP4/ccp4i
# CCP4I_TCLTK - directory containing tclsh,wish and bltwish executables
# as used in $CCP4I_TOP/bin/ccp4i,ccp4ish,loggraph
-# For 'standard' installations this is /usr/local/bin
+# For 'standard' installations this is /sw/bin
# but note the SGI distributed version of Tcl/Tk is not
# appropriate version
export CCP4I_TCLTK=/sw/bin
@@ -81,7 +73,7 @@
# MCTYPE: used for LAUE make -- see LAUE documentation
# CCP4_BROWSER: set this if you intend to use the html documentation
# (recommended). It should have the path and name of a html browser eg
-# /usr/bin/X11/netscape or /usr/local/bin/lynx. The browser will be
+# /usr/bin/X11/netscape or /sw/bin/lynx. The browser will be
# started with the alias ccp4help and will open the file
# $CHTML/INDEX.html.

@@ -91,7 +83,7 @@
     export CBIN=$CCP4/bin              
     export CLIB=$CCP4/lib      

- export CCP4_BROWSER=safari
+ export CCP4_BROWSER=open
export MANPATH=$CCP4/man:$MANPATH # edit this if necessary
export MCTYPE=unix # (only for Laue)
# ;;
@@ -110,8 +102,8 @@
export CLASSPATH=$CBIN:$CLASSPATH # edit this if necessary

### PLOT_COMMAND PRINT_COMMAND for the XCCPJIFFY programs to compile ###
-export PLOT_COMMAND='lp -s'
-export PRINT_COMMAND='lp -s'
+export PLOT_COMMAND='lpr'
+export PRINT_COMMAND='lpr'

# HARVESTHOME specifies location of harvesting files (defaults to $HOME)
@@ -133,39 +125,11 @@
# export BINSORT_MEM=8388608

-# LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies where to find dynamic libraries (e.g.
-# at runtime
-if test "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; then
-# DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies where to find dynamic libraries
-# (e.g. libccp4.dylib) at runtime
-if test "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"; then
+# Fink does not allow LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set

-# If you want to use xloggraph/xplot84driver, you need to get the application
-# defaults picked up somehow. As distributed, the file can't just live in an
-# application defaults directory since it requires reading by xrdb to sort out
-# the differences for monochrome displays. At Daresbury a version of the file
-# assuming a monochrome display is kept in the directory
-# $CCP4_LIB/X11/app-defaults and this is picked up through the
-# XUSERFILESEARCHPATH environment variable. That means you only see black and
-# white on a colour display. Alternatively you might make sure that it is
-# read by xrdb on startup of the X Windows system or delegate the
-# responsibility to users to run it. There are disadvantages to putting an
-# invocation of xrdb in here, one being that the correct value of DISPLAY may
-# not be set at the time this file is read. Thus edit this part as
-# appropriate. (SunOS will normally want to use /usr/openwin or $OPENWINHOME
-# instead of /usr; others may want /usr/local/lib or somw such):
-export XAPPLRESDIR=/sw/etc/app-defaults/
+# XUSERFILESEARCHPATH environment variable will be set in shell script wrapper.

### TRAPPFE ###
# TRAPFPE is set to ensure (in collaboration with -lfpe) an abort on floating
@@ -217,8 +181,10 @@
# confusion with `.' or whatever in the path:
# This construct prevents the path getting longer each time ccp4.setup is
-# executed (A. Perrakis)
-ccp4pathlist="${CCP4}/etc ${CBIN} ${CCP4I_TOP}/bin "
+# executed (A. Perrakis) This was done wrong in the original file and is not
+# needed for zsh users.
for dir in ${ccp4pathlist}
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/lib/src/cmaplib_f.c ccp4-5.0.1/lib/src/cmaplib_f.c
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/lib/src/cmaplib_f.c 2004-03-10 09:22:52.000000000 -0800
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/lib/src/cmaplib_f.c 2004-07-23 14:43:28.000000000 -0700
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
static char rcsid[] = "$Id: cmaplib_f.c,v 1.16 2004/03/10 17:22:52 mdw Exp $";

 static struct _IOConvMap *ioArray[MAXFILES];
@@ -1899,15 +1900,21 @@
              (const fpstr label, int label_len))
   char *temp_label;
-  int nlabel,i;
+  int nlabel=0,i;
+  /* no output map, nothing to do */
+  if (last_Write == -1) return;

temp_label = ccp4_FtoCString(FTN_STR(label), FTN_LEN(label));
- nlabel = ccp4_cmap_number_label(ioArray[last_Read]->mapfile);
- for (i=0 ; i != nlabel ; ++i)
- ccp4_cmap_set_label(ioArray[last_Write]->mapfile,
+ if (last_Read != -1) {
+ nlabel = ccp4_cmap_number_label(ioArray[last_Read]->mapfile);
+ for (i=0 ; i != nlabel ; ++i)
+ ccp4_cmap_set_label(ioArray[last_Write]->mapfile,
+ }
ccp4_cmap_set_label(ioArray[last_Write]->mapfile, temp_label,nlabel);

@@ -1921,15 +1928,21 @@
      /* see MTTCPY */
   char *temp_label;
-  int nlabel,i;
+  int nlabel=0,i;
+  /* no output map, nothing to do */
+  if (last_Write == -1) return;

   temp_label = ccp4_FtoCString(FTN_STR(label), FTN_LEN(label));

- nlabel = ccp4_cmap_number_label(ioArray[last_Read]->mapfile);
- for (i=0 ; i != nlabel ; ++i)
- ccp4_cmap_set_label(ioArray[last_Write]->mapfile,
+ if (last_Read != -1) {
+ nlabel = ccp4_cmap_number_label(ioArray[last_Read]->mapfile);
+ for (i=0 ; i != nlabel ; ++i)
+ ccp4_cmap_set_label(ioArray[last_Write]->mapfile,
+ }
ccp4_cmap_set_label(ioArray[last_Write]->mapfile, temp_label,nlabel);

diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/lib/src/cmtzlib.c ccp4-5.0.1/lib/src/cmtzlib.c
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/lib/src/cmtzlib.c 2004-07-05 09:13:06.000000000 -0700
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/lib/src/cmtzlib.c 2004-07-27 12:58:17.000000000 -0700
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
#include "ccp4_parser.h"
#include "ccp4_vars.h"
#include "ccp4_errno.h"
-static char rcsid[] = "$Id: cmtzlib.c,v 1.74 2004/07/05 16:13:06 mdw Exp $";
+static char rcsid[] = "$Id: cmtzlib.c,v 1.75 2004/07/27 12:10:12 mdw Exp $";

/* stuff for error reporting */
#define CMTZ_ERRNO(n) (CCP4_ERR_MTZ | (n))
@@ -205,6 +205,8 @@
istat = ccp4_file_readchar(filein, (uint8 *) hdrrec, MTZRECORDLENGTH);
+ if (debug)
+ printf(" Read first header record with istat = %d \n",istat);
/* We don't test all reads, but this one should trap for e.g. truncated files */
if (istat == EOF) {
ccp4_signal(CCP4_ERRLEVEL(3) | CMTZ_ERRNO(CMTZERR_ReadFail),"MtzGet",NULL);
@@ -681,6 +683,7 @@
for (j = 0; j < ntotcol; ++j)
colin[j]->ref[i] = refldata[j];
+ free(refldata);

     /* Recalculate resolution limits */

@@ -1284,7 +1287,10 @@
/* If reflections not in memory, read next record from file. */
if (!mtz->refs_in_memory) {
refldata = (float *) ccp4_utils_malloc(mtz->ncol_read*sizeof(float));
- if (MtzRrefl( mtz->filein, mtz->ncol_read, refldata) == EOF) return 1;
+ if (MtzRrefl( mtz->filein, mtz->ncol_read, refldata) == EOF) {
+ free(refldata);
+ return 1;
+ }

/* Loop over all columns in the MTZ struct, and select those which
@@ -1324,6 +1330,7 @@
if (*resol > mtz->xtal[ixtal]->resmax) *resol = mtz->xtal[ixtal]->resmax;
if (*resol < mtz->xtal[ixtal]->resmin) *resol = mtz->xtal[ixtal]->resmin;

+  free(refldata);
   return 0;

@@ -1345,7 +1352,10 @@
/* If reflections not in memory, read next record from file. */
if (!mtz->refs_in_memory) {
refldata = (float *) ccp4_utils_malloc(mtz->ncol_read*sizeof(float));
- if (MtzRrefl( mtz->filein, mtz->ncol_read, refldata) == EOF) return 1;
+ if (MtzRrefl( mtz->filein, mtz->ncol_read, refldata) == EOF) {
+ free(refldata);
+ return 1;
+ }

if (strncmp (mtz->mnf.amnf,"NAN",3) == 0) {
@@ -1403,6 +1413,7 @@
if (*resol > mtz->xtal[ixtal]->resmax) *resol = mtz->xtal[ixtal]->resmax;
if (*resol < mtz->xtal[ixtal]->resmin) *resol = mtz->xtal[ixtal]->resmin;

+  free(refldata);
   return 0;

diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/src/fft.f ccp4-5.0.1/src/fft.f
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/src/fft.f 2004-01-26 02:08:19.000000000 -0800
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/src/fft.f 2004-07-23 14:42:29.000000000 -0700
@@ -6235,7 +6235,7 @@
- CALL CCPRCS(6,'FFT','$Date: 2004/01/26 10:08:19 $')
+ CALL CCPRCS(6,'FFT','$Date: 2004/07/19 11:11:31 $')
C ***********************************
C---- Read input including spacegroup number
@@ -9753,7 +9753,9 @@
C -- Not a patterson
C These pattersons can be set. No others..
+C fft10 has a bug - disable it altogether..
C -- Set to P1 (from P1bar) because permution of axes permitted
diff -ruN ccp4-5.0.1-orig/x-windows/XCCPJIFFY/plot84_file.h ccp4-5.0.1/x-windows/XCCPJIFFY/plot84_file.h
--- ccp4-5.0.1-orig/x-windows/XCCPJIFFY/plot84_file.h 2004-06-03 08:27:20.000000000 -0700
+++ ccp4-5.0.1/x-windows/XCCPJIFFY/plot84_file.h 2004-07-12 16:11:20.000000000 -0700
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
float dvymin; /* device viewport Y min (mm) */
float dvymax; /* device viewport Y max (mm) */
int npics; /* number of pictures in this file */
- char paswrd [9]; /* password "PLOT%%84" */
+ char paswrd [8]; /* password "PLOT%%84" */
int spare [15]; /* spare bytes */
char titleh [80];/* plot title */
int lastspare [68]; /* filled to 512 bytes */

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------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by OSTG. Have you noticed the changes on, ITManagersJournal and NewsForge in the past few weeks? Now, one more big change to announce. We are now OSTG- Open Source Technology Group. Come see the changes on the new OSTG site. _______________________________________________ Fink-devel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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