    I have updated the freeglut packaging for the proposed freeglut package.
I have now verified that it is in fact a binary compatible drop-in replacement
for glut. I am able to have glut/glut-shlibs/molmol/gopenmol installed
and upgrade to freeglut/freeglut-shlibs without any binary breakage.
Packages like pymol which have a version dependency on glut-shlibs will
require revision to include freeglut-shlibs as an option in the Depends.
I would note that I am using a Provides:glut-shlibs for the freeglut-shlibs
package. I realize this allow upgrading when packages (like pymol)
which use a Depends: on a versioned glut-shlibs to be upgraded. However
at least those that packages that have unversioned Depends can be upgraded
to freeglut without modification. That is without the Provides:glut-shlibs
all packages that Depends:glut-shlibs (versioned or not) have to be
redone whereas with the Provides:glut-shlibs only those with versioned
Depends on glut-shlibs need to be modified. I have also verified that
a pymol 0.97-2 built against glut/glut-shlibs with a Depends:
glut-shlibs|freeglut-shlibs works fine under freeglut-shlibs. So I
have found no binary compatibility issues in moving from glut to
ps I did fix one glitch in the freeglut build. The stock libtools
build of freeglut allows it to link the demo programs against the
installed libglut rather than the built libglut. I worked around
that with LDFLAGS.

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