On Sep 21, 2004, at 1:30 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

Okay, that's what I expected; I just wanted to make sure. For future reference, how were you able to confirm this? I knew that they were virtual packages, but surely there must still be some way of knowing exactly what they provide, whether it is just a collection of other packages or whatever.

I know because I wrote the tests. ;)

You can dig into it by looking at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/VirtPackages.pm if you grok perl

I looked at the code and I believe I found some problems. You specify a system-java15 package even though no Java 1.5 is yet available for Mac in any from (to my knowledge). By itself, this is not a problem, because I assume you were just trying to make VirtPackage.pm forward-compatible and future-proof. However, I doubt this will work as expected now that Sun has reversioned 1.5 as 5.0. In fact, it could cause serious problems: I noticed that your Perl code compares versions by gobbling up periods and then doing a numeric comparison. In this case, your code would think that Java 1.4.2 is a more recent version than 5.0 (because 142 > 50).

Also, you said that the -dev packages are included if the JNI headers exist. On looking at the code, however, this doesn't seem to be the case. On line 196 of VirtPackage.pm, it appears that you only check for the existence of the Commands directory (not 100% sure, though; I'm not a Perl guy). The Commands directory contains commands like appletviewer, javac, and jar, which means if my package depends on jar, I would, in fact, need to specify the -dev package. I think this is why in your other packages, such as xalan-j, you depend on -dev, even though it doesn't need JNI headers.


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