On Oct 13, 2004, at 9:40 AM, Christian Schaffner wrote:

On 13.10.2004, at 14:25, David H. wrote:

Hash: RIPEMD160

Daniel Macks wrote:

| On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 12:09:05AM +0200, David H. wrote:
|>Christian Schaffner wrote:
|>| Thanks to the help of bbraun and dmacks i just committed a new feature
|>| for fink. You can now tell fink to try to download pre-compiled binary
|>| packages from the binary distribution if available and if the deb is
|>| not already on the system.
|>And now you get to document this feature :)
|>in theman page as well as the usage pages on the web-site :) Thank you.
| There's been a patch for the manpages and various 'fink help' since
| the very first days of this effort:) Now that it's in HEAD, just gotta
| copy it to uguide.xml
| dan
since the user guide is tailored for those who might not be even able to
read a manpage. Please make sure it is readable to those as well :)

Sure. Once the feature seems to work fine, i will add it to the web pages. So, how is our policy: Do we document new features on the webpage as soon as they are in cvs HEAD? Or only after a fink package with the feature included has been released?


I'd vote for the latter.

Alexander K. Hansen
Fink Documentarian
Day Job:  Levitated Dipole Experiment

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