On Oct 13, 2004, at 11:43 AM, Christian Schaffner wrote:


Since a couple of days i often get the following warning on <http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/index.php?phpLang=en> :

Warning: Failed opening 'hostlogo.inc' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/groups/f/fi/fink/htdocs/header.inc on line 290

Reloading the page often fixes it (showing the SF logo correctly). Why would that be?


Yes, I've had the same experience once or twice. I split out hostlogo.inc into a separate file, so that we can display a different logo on the remote site that is hosting the Fink archive browser. I don't know why it sometimes fails to load; maybe somebody with more php expertise than I can offer advice? (The files are in the "web" module in CVS...)

  -- Dave

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