
I'm retrying to compile tse3 and noteedit.
I get a bunch of multiple definitions of symbols errors and the compile fails.
Before that, I get a message about seg_addr_table ? What's this ?

Is there something I can do about those multiple definitions errors ? What I 
don't understand is that the two symbols seem come from the same file.

g++ -dynamiclib -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o 
.libs/libtse3.0.0.0.dylib  DisplayParams.lo Error.lo FileBlockParser.lo 
Filter.lo TSE2MDL.lo FlagTrack.lo KeySigTrack.lo Metronome.lo Midi.lo 
MidiCommandFilter.lo MidiData.lo MidiEcho.lo MidiFile.lo MidiFilter.lo 
MidiMapper.lo MidiParams.lo Mixer.lo Mutex.lo Notifier.lo Panic.lo Part.lo 
Phrase.lo PhraseEdit.lo PhraseList.lo Playable.lo RepeatTrack.lo 
MidiScheduler.lo Serializable.lo Song.lo TempoTrack.lo TimeSigTrack.lo Track.lo 
Transport.lo TSE3.lo TSE3MDL.lo -all_load  ./app/.libs/libtse3app.al 
./cmd/.libs/libtse3cmd.al ./file/.libs/libtse3file.al ./ins/.libs/libtse3ins.al 
./plt/.libs/libtse3plt.al ./util/.libs/libtse3util.al  -L/sw/lib 
./app/.libs/libtse3app.al ./cmd/.libs/libtse3cmd.al ./file/.libs/libtse3file.al 
./ins/.libs/libtse3ins.al ./plt/.libs/libtse3plt.al ./util/.libs/libtse3util.al 
-lc -install_name  /sw/lib/libtse3.0.dylib -compatibility_version 1 
-current_version 1.0
ld: warning -dylib_install_name /sw/lib/libtse3.0.dylib not found in segment 
address table LD_SEG_ADDR_TABLE /sw/var/lib/fink/prebound/seg_addr_table
ld: warning -undefined suppress disables -prebind
ld: multiple definitions of symbol 
./app/.libs/libtse3app.al(Application.lo) definition of absolute 
_ZN4TSE33App11Application23setSaveChoicesOnDestroyEb.eh (value 0x0)
./app/.libs/libtse3app.al(Application.lo) definition of absolute 
_ZN4TSE33App11Application23setSaveChoicesOnDestroyEb.eh (value 0x0)

Thanks for any advice,

Julien Salort

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