On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 02:58:47AM -0400, Chris Zubrzycki wrote:
> On May 11, 2005, at 9:38 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:
> >On May 11, 2005, at 5:28 PM, William Scott wrote:
> >>
> >>I've noticed that when fink starts to unpack and build stuff in / 
> >>sw/src, spotlight immediately kicks in and compilations are  
> >>significantly slower as a consequence.  Also, since the build  
> >>directories have an evanescent existence, there isn't much point  
> >>in indexing these files.

Also probably a bad idea to mess with the metadata of a build...may
wind up getting weird filesize issues if it gets included in the .deb.

> >See http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2005050222125145  
> >for a discussion on this. In a nutshell, the file /.Spotlight-V100/ 
> >_rules.plist can contain an array of paths to include or exclude  
> >from indexing. I suppose you could use the "defaults" command to  
> >manipulate the plist, but it seems easier to just disable indexing  
> >for all of /sw/src like "sudo defaults write /.Spotlight-V100/ 
> >_rules.plist EXCLUDE -array-add '/sw/src'". A caveat is that the  
> >file will be converted to binary plist format by "defaults", which  
> >makes it non human-readable (the system won't care).
> see /usr/bin/plutil to convert plist formats.

Apple provides tools to access .plist files, but does not claim the
files themselves to be editable in a text editor. There's no reason to
go converting the file format...just use 'defaults' to access it.

> also, we should check for dup entries, and also some way to manage
> changing the builddirs, as i use /tmp/fink-build. Some dies may be
> useful to index,

Maybe just before unpacking the source tarball, fink should add the
$buildpath to the EXCLUDE array, then remove it after .deb creation.
That way if the build dir remains (because of flags or build failure)
it will become indexable.

Or better to it for each of %b and %d when they are created instead of
more globally for their parent dir (and then removed when those dirs
get nuked)? That way one build process doesn't disable indexing of
another failed-build's remnants (or whatever else one may have in that

OTOH, it appears that removing from the EXCLUDE array is not an atomic
operation (read old value, then write new)...potential race condition
if we keep diddling with it. Better to just add the buildpath at the
start of a build if we observe that it is not already excluded (lose
indexing of crashes, but never have to worry about removal or dups).

> like manpages and/or /sw/share/doc. We need a spotlight plugin to
> index .deb files...the TOC at a min, maybe even grabbing full
> metadata from the config file...

That would rock. Seems like a generic "archive formats" plugin would
be a good project...

Daniel Macks

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