Murali Vadivelu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it possible to replace the requirements for libjpeg, libpng,  
> libtiff, etc with ImageIO.framework in Tiger? Could avoid potential  
> and happening conflicts between libJPEG and libjpeg, say for example.

The libJPEG/libjpeg problem happens whenever DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to
/sw/lib.  People who set that variable in their programs haven't read the
manpages very carefully IMO: it should almost *never* be set.

We tried to get Apple to change the name of the library in IOKit prior to
Tiger's release, but they declined, saying that people shouldn't be setting

The one place where this is a bit hard to get around is certain buggy
versions of libtool which set this variable during building.  The most
recent libtool is fixed in this regard, but any package which relied on
one of the buggy versions to generate their distributed code runs the
rist of having DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set while things are compiling.  There
is a workaround which has been applied to a handful of fink packages.

  -- Dave

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