I finished another Fink build over the weekend. A system configuration error caused a lot of things to build with 3.3 instead of 4.0, which introduced a lot of failures due to trying to link 3.3 against 4.0, so I won't be releasing a report on these results.

The good news is that this build was made with fink core HEAD (instead of 0.24.x), and I haven't seen any obvious failures caused by that change.

Also, nearly all of the patches for Tiger/4.0 which I sent out a while ago have now been applied, either by the package maintainers or myself. I'll probably be doing another round of patching sometime in the near future.

I'll be kicking off another two builds soon. The first build will be instrumented to detect packages which force the use of 3.3 in non- standard ways. The second build will use 10.4-transitional and not try to force 4.0, and will build the packages as 'nobody' instead of 'root'.

What else do people want to see done with automated package building? There are a number of QA-type activities it could support. For instance, it could be slightly modified to build packages as they're committed instead of doing a whole world build at once. This would let us validate submissions and automate the maintenance of the bindist (and even provide a bindist for unstable.)

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