The current solution of using License:Restrictive for any packages
that link to fink's openssl packages solves the legal issue. Not gonna
discuss whether we should care, etc. Instead, I want to raise an
unintended consequence of it: source tarballs for packages that are
GPL except for this aspect are now not available from finkmirrors.
That's *certainly* not within the restrictions of the openssl
licensing! And it's a problem for users for all the same reasons the
whole finkmirrors project addresses.

One route would be to add a special "openssl" flag to the License.
Instead of a GPL-but-links-fink's-openssl being:
  License: Restrictive
  DescPackaging: Package is GPL but marked Restrictive due to openssl links
It could be something like one of these:
  License: GPL/openssl
  License: GPL +openssl
where this attribute is independent of the "normal" license value.
That way the source-mirroring scripts can ignore that flag but the
binary archive can treat it appropriately. Which means in the future
we could change our policy easily (just line in a script or two).  And
the license really does better-describe the exact situation and
differentiates what the upstream delcares from what our policy is.

OTOH, we could generalize the solution away from "fink's openssl
linkage policy" and just add a new Restrictive/Source-Distributable
license type. I have no doubt that some of the other Restrictive
packages may allow souce redistribution but (for example) not binary
redistribution, or some other wacky licensing terms that would fit
here also.


Daniel Macks

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