On Jun 15, 2005, at 5:50 PM, C.W.Betts wrote:

I have a Logitech Headset, but EsounD doesn't seem to like it.  Do you think you could fix this?

Package manager version: 0.18.4
Distribution version: 0.7.0.cvs
Mac OS X version: 10.2.8
July 2002 Developer Tools or later
gcc version: 3.1
make version: 3.79
Feedback Courtesy of FinkCommander

Before you ask here, have you checked around online to see if your headset works with esound on a different platform, e.g. Linux?  If it doesn't work there, then bug the esound upstream people.


Alexander Hansen

Fink Documentarian

[Day Job] Levitated Dipole Experiment


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