On Jul 30, 2005, at 18:00:34, Alexander Hansen wrote:
On Jul 30, 2005, at 5:35 PM, Kyle Moffett wrote:
Package: host
Conflicts: bind9
Replaces: bind9
And I'd say here Provides:  host-command

Package: bind9
Provides: host
(once again Provides: host-command)
Conflicts: host
Replaces: host

My addition is a bit facetious, too, in this case.   I don't
know if it's actually better or not--I'm more opposed to
packages Providing themselves on aesthetic grounds.

My thought with regards to this issue is that we should have
the packages "Provide" the name that users are likely to try
to "fink install".  So, for example, when I want BIND-9, I'm
likely to try "fink install bind9".  Likewise, when I want
_a_ "host" program, I'll try "fink install host", and if I
already have bind9 installed, it should say something like

Multiple packages provide "host":
  1)  bind9-9.2.1-10[*]
  2)  host-1.2.3-4
  3)  <Cancel>

[*] Already installed

Which package would you like? [1]

Of course, this is all IMHO, so take it as you will.

Kyle Moffett

Unix was not designed to stop people from doing stupid things, because that
would also stop them from doing clever things.
  -- Doug Gwyn

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