On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 09:45:09PM -0500, Corey Halpin wrote:
> On 2005-08-09, Clemence Magnien wrote:
> > when you say you have such a version of mutt, do you refer to the patched
> > version? Anyway, if I understand correctly that means you have a working
> > mutt.info file for one version or the other.
>  I've got an info file for mutt 1.5.9 that uses header caching.
> http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/fink/experimental/crhalpin/mutt-ssl.info?rev=1.1&view=auto
> > Do you think one of us should try and propose it as an official package
> > description? Or should we (I?) try and make all the four versions I
> > mentioned above before that?
>    Well, I'm not sure what the point would really be of providing more than
> -ssl and non-ssl versions of mutt.  If people don't want the header
> caching, then they can disable it in .muttrc.  Or rather, they can not
> enable it.  :-)

My mistake, I misremembered the way I installed mutt. I thought that
this version only did header caching for mails in /var/spool/mail or
something like that, and that you needed to patch it for it to do
_IMAP_ header caching. So indeed there is no point to what I said above.

> > Or should we wait for an answer from the maintainer? I really don't
> > know what is the policy in this kind of situation.
>   Typically if the maintainer is gone AWOL, someone else can adopt the
> package.  I emailed the maintainer on 6/19/05, and have yet to get a
> response.  Has anyone else on the list heard from Christian Swinehart
> recently?
>   fink-core: if not, should we consider mutt orphaned?
>   If so, I'd be willing to adopt it, provided nobody else wants it.

My own email to then maintainer dates from june, 5, 2005.
As I said, I'd be willing but not wanting since I fear I would be


> crh

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