David R. Morrison wrote:

On Oct 4, 2005, at 3:09 PM, Max Horn wrote:

Yo folks,

in the following I'd like to tell you a little story that happened to me today... it is, unfortunately, kind of a sad story, but I hope we can turn it into one with a happy ending eventually :-)


Hi Max.

I've been aware for some time that we had some problems along these lines. Although we pay lip service to the idea that fink could be used without having the developer tools installed (and relying only on binary packages), in practice -- as you point out -- none of the fink developers do this themselves and so it doesn't get tested very often.

Looking into this is, unfortunately, rather far down on my own list of priorities for fink-y things to work on. I'm hoping that your story will motivate someone to step forward who wants to work on this aspect of fink.

I remember having told a similar story here at least a year ago :-(
It is of course rather embarrassing when you just told someone it takes 5 minutes to install Fink plus Octave and then after two hours you are still working on it..

In short: Fink works (and always has) on the basis that as soon as you use "fink install" or "fink selfupdate" (which may involve an "install" automatically and it may need not only to install a new version of the fink package, but also to build new versions of apt, dpkg, gettext etc)), you need the developer tools. Installing the "make" package is almost useless, the missing "make" command is just the first indication that the developer tools are needed. The FAQ says this actually rather early and clearly in section 6.

If you only use apt-get, you don't need the dev tools. The new --use-binary-dist flag in fink rather muddies the waters here, because it seems to promise that you can use the binary dist with the "fink" command which is only partly true.

In FinkCommander things are more clearcut: If you stay with the "binary" stuff, you can get away without developer tools (with some exceptions like scilab which actually uses "make" in its postinstall phase), if you do anything involving "source", you need them.

We should probably state somewhere more prominently that if you want to work with Fink, you need a "complete installation" of MacOSX, and this involves
- the BSD tools and X11 from the system installation
- the Xcode developer tools

I don't think there is any serious excuse nowadays (except lack of information) for not installing all this. It takes 10 minutes and 2GB of disk space.


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