On Dec 2, 2005, at 21:38, William Scott wrote:

I have a working build of mmtk in fink, but when I went to rebuild it, it failed. Also it fails if I try to use python2.4, but it looks like for the same reasons.

Here is how the build fails for me with python2.3:


MMTK 2.3 will not compile with GCC 4.0, independently of the Python version. MMTK 2.4.4 does compile with GCC 4.0, and has lots of other bug fixes and improvements compared to 2.3.2.

I will submit 2.4.4 to Fink as soon as I have a working Fink installation again. However, I don't have much time to work on that at the moment. In fact, Fink problems have cost me so much time already that I am personally moving away from Fink as much as possible.

If someone else wishes to update MMTK with Fink in the meantime, please go ahead. All it takes is

- Change the version number
- Insert the MD5 code for the current source code file

An appropriately modified but untested mmtk-py23.info is attached. To make this work with any other Python version, just replace "python2.3" by the appropriate executable.

Konrad Hinsen
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA Saclay,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Tel.: +33-1 69 08 79 25
Fax: +33-1 69 08 82 61

Attachment: mmtk-py23.info
Description: Binary data

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