Koen van der Drift wrote:
What about the lines that install stuff in the $HOME directory, can I leave those in the info file? The program won't execute when these files are missing, but since they are installed outside /sw, I am not sure what to do here.

mkdir $HOME/.t_coffee
mkdir $HOME/.t_coffee/cache
mkdir $HOME/.t_coffee/methods
mkdir $HOME/.t_coffee/tmp

I have no opinion on this either way. There are many packages that install stuff in ~/.* directories, without showing them in their file lists. In any case, if you do this in the CompileScript instead of the PostInstScript, these files won't exist in the *.deb and will therefpre not be installed when the package is not built from source but just installed from the *.deb. Another problem is that these directories are often owned by root which can give problems when the program is run as non-root afterwards. There are other packages that put the stuff meant for $HOME into /sw/share/doc/%n and tell the user via DescUsage how to put the files into $HOME themselves.


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