Jack Howarth wrote:
> Peter,
>    I'll test it. Hopefully we can get the odcctools update into
> fink soon and Jeff can create a new gcc4 from the next snapshot
> with '--disable-multlib' dropped and MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 
> unset for that package. I would also not that Mike Stump has
> made a recent change that we really need anyway...
> http://gcc.gnu.org/PR26427
> to eliminate some significant breakage in gcc trunk on darwin.
>           Jack
> ps I would really like to see some communication going on
> between the fink developers working on gcc builds for
> macintel and the apple gcc folks. Since there is no regress
> machine for intel darwin at Apple, it is difficult to tell
> how broken they think gcc trunk on intel darwin is. I noticed
> that some parts of the current gcc4.patch no longer apply to
> gcc trunk. It would be good to know which parts of the gcc4.patch
> belong to which PR and what the state of those changes are?
Jack:  I will test on mactel with the next snapshot.  I really don't 
have time to devote a lot of time with this package - and it really 
needs a lot of time with all the changes going on in gcc 4.2.  All I 
really want is to get a semi-stable snapshot in fink and leave it there 
for a while.

The patch enables java support for mactel, and was pulled directly from 
the gcc-java list.  As far as I know  it was never applied to the trunk, 
and now won't apply anymore.   Since some packages now require gcc-java, 
this is a problem.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
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