Unbeknownst to me when I took the package over, the 1.12.x series (represented now in both stable and unstable) are in what upstream calls their "feature" branch. There have been some problems reported with both 1.12.12 (our stable) and 1.12.13 (our unstable). 1.12.12 had problems in some locations when the time stamp had a "D" in the middle of it (i.e. daylight savings time). 1.12.13 seems to freeze up occasionally--this seems to correlate with large checkouts using a compression factor of 3, e.g. a selfupdate-cvs.

As I see it, the options are:

1) Leave things the way they are--I'm not in favor of this.
2) Update our stable to 1.12.13 in spite of the lock up issue. One reason in favor of this is reported in the NEWS file for 1.12.13: * CVS now uses version 1.2.3 of the ZLib compression libraries in order to avoid two recently announced security vulnerabilities in them. Both may be used for denial of service attacks and one may reportedly allow execution of
  arbitrary code, though this is not confirmed.  Please see the CERT
vulnerabilities advisories #238678 <http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/ 238678> &
  #680620 <http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/680620> for more.
I had hesitated to do so because I had hoped to resolve the compression-lockup issue, but I failed to find a solution.
(NOTE:  10.4.4 appears to have zlib-1.2.3 as well)
3) Add .info files for the latest upstream "stable" version--1.11.21 (a 1.11.20-1.info is already in both 10.3 and 10.4 unstable, which I had forgotten), along with language in DescDetail suggesting that users downgrade if they experience problems. 4) Make a 1.11.21 "cvs-stable" package. This would Provide: cvs, Conflict cvs:, and Replace: cvs. The existing cvs package(s) would be modified to Conflict: and Replace: cvs-stable. This is a relatively simple option which allows, but doesn't force, downgrading.

This version, however, does come with an old zlib (1.1.4) We can have it use the system's version, though this is really only advantageous on 10.4, since 10.3 still has 1.1.4.

I'm currently in favor of 2)  in spite of the lockup issue.

I kind of like having the older version around so that people can downgrade temporarily if anything in the 1.12.x tree becomes nasty.

2) + 3) would be easy to implement.
2) + 4) isn't too bad, and has the virtue that if people want to stick with the 1.11.21 version it won't get automatically overwritten.



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