
On Feb 4, 2006, at 12:09 PM, Remi Mommsen wrote:


On Feb 3, 2006, at 2:18 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

Remi Mommsen wrote:
I'm switching btw the 10.4-transitional and 10.4 tree by setting a symlink from /sw to the 2 fink directories having the 10.4- transitional and 10.4 distributions active, respectively. I also linked the /sw/fink/debs directory btw the 2 directories to avoid rebuilding debs already built in one tree in the other when they bear the same version. However, the symlinks created by Fink use / sw/fink/dists in the target path. Thus if I change the /sw symlink pointing to the other tree, the target path points to a non-existent deb file. I modified get_debpath in PgkVersion.pm to replace the generic dists with the actual distribution.
I guess this can be also useful for the normal user, i.e. without a hacked fink setup, when the switch from the 10.4-transitional to the 10.4 tree takes place. It would allow to retain access to the deb files built under the old tree.

I agree. This would have been very useful already for the 10.3/10.4-transitional switch, where the current system forced people to jump through several hoops (the newly built fink switched the dists symlink, thereby making its own deb disappear, and a subsequent "fink reinstall fink" errored out).

OTOH, I am more and more convinced that all the energy that currently goes into constructing an upgrade path from 10.4- transitional to 10.4 is misspent and would better be used for getting new bindists faster out of the door. What I would love to see is support for the sequence

a.  dump list of currently installed packages
b.  rm -rf /sw
c.  install new Fink from bindist installer or bootstrap
d.  fink install < list of previously installed packages

We had support for a and d at one time by producing a package that has all currently installed packages as dependencies, but it was shot down for the single reason that debfoster might get confused by this. I'd rather dump debfoster and get such a system back.

I completely agree that my proposed change does by far not solve the upgrade problem. Especially as the change (if it is accepted) will hit the standard user much too late to be helpful in the current upgrade. However, I'd like to come back to my original modest proposal to change the deb path. I think Aida made a valid point in using relative instead of absolute paths. I made the corresponding modification.

Shall I commit the changed code?

I just committed the modifications. I also changed cleanup_debs to cope with the new debfile path format.


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Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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