I'm testing three new sylpheed packages, and discovered that a  
particular combination of events apparently causes fink to crash.   
Perhaps my .info files are to blame, but I still suspect that fink is  
not working as intended.

First, a few details on my setup:

fink -V | head -n 2:
Package manager version: 0.26.0
Distribution version: 0.8.1.rsync powerpc

ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.4.8
BuildVersion:   8L127

machine is a G4

Second, the relevant portions of the info files.

Package: sylpheed
Version: 2.3.0
Revision: 1

Conflicts: sylpheed-ssl (<<2.3.0-1), sylpheed-gpgme
Replaces: sylpheed-ssl (<<2.3.0-1), sylpheed-gpgme

Package: sylpheed-ssl
Type: bundle
Version: 2.3.0
Revision: 1
Depends: sylpheed-gpgme, fink-obsolete-packages
Description: Placeholder package to update to unified %N. (OBSOLETE)

Package: sylpheed-gpgme
Version: 2.3.0
Revision: 1

Conflicts: sylpheed-ssl (<<2.3.0-1), sylpheed
Replaces: sylpheed-ssl (<<2.3.0-1), sylpheed

The crash - sylpheed-ssl and sylpheed-gpgme were both installed.  I  
get an apparent crash if I do a "fink install sylpheed":

% fink install sylpheed
Information about 6760 packages read in 2 seconds.
The package 'sylpheed' will be installed.
Reading dependency for sylpheed-2.3.0-1...
The following package will be installed or updated:
Reading buildlock packages...
         All buildlocks accounted for.

While trying to install:

The following inconsistencies found:
   Unsatisfied dependency in sylpheed-ssl: sylpheed-gpgme

Trying to resolve dependencies...
Failed: Fink::SysState: No such package: sylpheed-ssl at /sw/lib/ 
perl5/Fink/SysState.pm line 181
'sylpheed-ssl') called at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/SysState.pm line 199
'sylpheed-ssl', 'provides', 'CODE(0x2cb5c4)') called at /sw/lib/perl5/ 
Fink/SysState.pm line 257
'sylpheed-ssl') called at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/SysState.pm line 535
'sylpheed-ssl') called at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/SysState.pm line 575
         Fink::SysState::change('Fink::SysState=HASH(0x2c90f8)', 'HASH 
(0x34739a8)') called at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/SysState.pm line 626
         Fink::SysState::undo('Fink::SysState=HASH(0x2c90f8)') called  
at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/SysState.pm line 825
(0x2c90f8)', 'sylpheed-ssl', 'HASH(0x32c2b68)') called at /sw/lib/ 
perl5/Fink/SysState.pm line 970
(0x2c90f8)', 'Fink::PkgVersion=HASH(0x19f0900)') called at /sw/lib/ 
perl5/Fink/PkgVersion.pm line 4433
         eval {...} called at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/PkgVersion.pm line 4430
         Fink::PkgVersion::phase_activate('ARRAY(0x2c8ef4)') called  
at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/Engine.pm line 1998
         Fink::Engine::real_install(1, 0, 0, 0, 'sylpheed') called  
at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/Engine.pm line 1512
         Fink::Engine::cmd_install('sylpheed') called at /sw/lib/ 
perl5/Fink/Engine.pm line 261
         eval {...} called at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/Engine.pm line 261
         Fink::Engine::process('Fink::Engine=HASH(0x1810a84)', 'ARRAY 
(0x180bfd4)', 'install', 'sylpheed') called at /sw/bin/fink line 38

Is there a better way to craft the .info files to avoid this  
problem?  Or, is this purely an implementation problem in fink  
itself, and it will eventually be fixed?

I agree that this is an unlikely series of events, so maybe I don't  
need to try to fix it.

Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada

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