My interpretation of the early test results reported here is that tar  
is indeed detecting a change in ctime and nothing more serious.   
There are two possible solutions to this: patch tar, or patch dpkg.   
I'm going to advocate that we patch dpkg.

My reasoning goes like this: the decision to have tar report an error  
condition for non-fatal errors, and to report it with a different  
exit code than for fatal errors, was a deliberate one by the tar  
maintainer.  We may disagree with that decision, but the fact is, a  
version of tar has been released in which this change was  
implemented, and there is no reason to believe that the tar developer  
would reverse the decision if asked.  For example, a related issue  
was raised on the bug-tar list three years ago, and received the  
answer "we are doing the conservative thing and won't change".  See .

A request for a separation of exit codes is: 
archive/html/bug-tar/2005-01/msg00053.html .  Another relevant  
message which explains why the error code was changed for the non- 
fatal situation is: 
msg00021.html .  A comment about implementation is found here: http:// .

Anyway, my conclusion from all of this is that the two-exit-code  
status of tar is here to stay, at least for now.  And while Apple is  
currently using tar-1.15.x, we have no control over when they might  
change to tar-1.16.x.  Thus, switching to /usr/bin/tar surrenders any  
control we might have over the problem, and patching tar itself dooms  
us to continue patching tar forever.

This is why I advocate patching dpkg so that when calling tar, it  
checks the exit code and only dies if tar had a fatal error.  Of  
course, we'll need to make the new dpkg package depend on the new tar  
package, but this should not be a problem.  (Note that dpkg- 
bootstrap, on the other hand, should rely on /usr/bin/tar and should  
*not* get this change.)

   -- Dave

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