On 6/10/07, Kevin Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I intend to take over bluefish, which was abandoned by the previous
> maintainer.  This package currently has three variants:
> bluefish
> bluefish-gnome2       # with gnome2, with vfs enabled
> bluefish-gnomevfs2  # with gnome2, but with vfs disabled
> I find the last variant name (bluefish-gnomevfs2) inconsistent with
> the fact that vfs is disabled.  I would like to change the name of
> this variant to "bluefish-gnome2-novfs".  I believe that this would
> improve clarity.
> I need advice on the best way to handle the transition from the
> current variant name structure to the new one.  Anyone who has
> bluefish-gnomevfs2-1.0.6 should be automatically upgraded to bluefish-
> gnome-novfs2-1.0.7.  At first glance, this looks like a job for
> Replaces/Conflicts, but I do not understand how I would do this for
> only one variant.  Also, the package currently has Replaces/Conflicts
> on all variants:
> Replaces: bluefish, bluefish-gnome2, bluefish-gnomevfs2
> Conflicts: bluefish, bluefish-gnome2, bluefish-gnomevfs2
> Kevin Horton
> Ottawa, Canada

Maybe separate bluefish-gnomevfs2-1.0.7 into its own dummy placeholder
package, which declares:

Depends: fink-obsolete-packages, bluefish-gnome2-novfs (>= 1.0.7-1 )

Alexander K. Hansen
akh AT finkproject DOT org
Fink User Liaison and Documenter

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