On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 03:18:59PM +0100, David H. wrote:
> Hello Community.
> Should the PDB have these two features?
> When you search for something and the link below is returned:
> http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/whatevername
> as the search result is being generated should we offer a direct download 
> link?

A "direct download link" for...fink itself (I weakly don't like, and
am happy without it)? The package .info (is implemented in the PDB
redesign, but is virtually useless for the general public as I think
you intend)? The existing doc page explaining how to get fink (I
weakly like, and am also happy without)?

> When you search for something and NO package is found, should the PDB
> offer a little form or a link so that you can request that package?

How about a link to "search for this term in other packages" (since
users may not know fink package-naming standards, etc) and a link to
the -requests tracker. I'd be happy with both of those, but given that
generally nobody really processes requests not sure I'm at all unhappy
we aren't giving users false hope. Anything simpler ("enter the name
of the package you want in this box and press 'submit'" and gets
stored somewhere) I would think would become a spam-magnet and would
just spread the package requests across multiple places (and still be
ignored if current practice is any guide).


Daniel Macks

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