Hi all,

This might seem like a sacreligious quesion to ask, but has anyone made a tool to automate the process of bundle-izing a given set of shlibs from a fink installation?

By bundle-ize, I mean making a copy of a given library and all its dependencies that live in /sw, and rewriting (with install_name_tool) the install name of the libs and their connections with each other so that they hang off @executable_path/ instead of /sw/lib.

I ask because it could be a really useful tool for developers.. you generate some libraries using Fink, and then bundle them (paying attention to the license terms of course) inside an application which can then be distributed without any dependence on fink.

At the moment I'm doing this manually, but with two libraries with another 6 dependent libraries, its time consuming to repeat each time the libs change.


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