Dear Fink developers,

Following a suggestion from Rohan Lloyd, I am working on a system- 
emacs package for fink, which would allow the use of fink-installed  
emacs extensions with /usr/bin/emacs .

On Oct 15, 2007, at 1:06 AM, Rohan Lloyd wrote:

> how is /usr/bin/emacs going to use fink installed emacs packages?  
> The proper way of handling emacs packages is that the package  
> installed .el files into
>   /sw/share/emacs/site-lisp/<package>
> This directory is NOT in the emacs library path.
> And then when an emacs flavour is installed, emacsen-common calls  
> emacs-package-install which takes care of byte compiling for the  
> specific emacs flavour installed and placing .elc files in:
>   /sw/share/<flavour>/site-lisp/<package>
> Each flavour of emacs loads /sw/share/<flavour>/site-lisp/ 
> subdirs.el which automatically includes all subdirs in the load  
> path, so the byte compiled files are loaded.
> If no fink emacs package is installed, then there will be no byte  
> compiled files. The user could set up their emacs library path to  
> include /sw/share/emacs/site-lisp/<package> but they will not get  
> the benefit of byte compiled files, and anything else that the  
> package install script sets up.
> Would it be possible to create an emacs-system package that did  
> something like:
>   * call emacsen-common/emacs-package-install in PostInstScript
>   * call emacsen-common/emacs-package-remove in PreRmScript
>   * install a shell script in /sw/bin/emacs that calls /usr/bin/ 
> emacs with -L option set to use find fink installed packages eg:
>   /usr/bin/emacs -L /sw/share/emacs-system/site-lisp $*

My experimental version of the package for 10.4 is at http:// .

The problem I am having is this: in, for example, the emacs22  
package, we patch startup.el to make sure that certain fink-specific  
things are done at startup.  Can anybody think of a way to do this  
with system-emacs, *without* modifying anything in /usr/share/emacs?   
Is there another command-line switch which might be of use?

Feedback on any aspect of this project would be welcome.

    Best regards,

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