
I just built the svn checkout of the qt4-based application "hydrogen" when 
linking against the fink installation of qt4-x11-4.3.2. Then, after editing a 
script (which was supplied with the sources) built the application bundle 
without any problem. 

$ ls hydrogen.app
Contents        PkgInfo

$ ls hydrogen.app/Contents
Frameworks      Info.plist      MacOS           Resources
$ ls hydrogen.app/Contents/Resources
Hydrogen.icns   data            plugins

$ ls hydrogen.app/Contents/MacOS

The first problem is that the application icon does not appear with the 
"Hydrogen.icns" image. Secondly, double-clicking on the application bundle icon 
results in a launch failure.

The application does, however, launch successfully if I open X11.app, then in 
the console run "$ cd ~/hydrogen.app/Contents/MacOS ; ./hydrogen" .
I have probably overlooked something when preparing the application bundle. Any 
pointers, suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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