> But Fink's tar is in the dependency list of dpkg, so it should be used.

I think this is true only when fink calls dpkg, because fink does some
path munging first. However I just tried this:

sudo dtrace -n 'syscall::execve:entry { self->path = copyinstr(arg0);
} syscall::execve:return / arg0 == 0 / { trace(self->path); }' -c
'dpkg-deb -b target target.deb'

and it confirms that the first 'tar' in my path (which is not fink's
tar) is being called. Also even when fink calls dpkg we're not
absolutely guaranteed to get a recent tar, since during bootstrap
fink's tar isn't installed yet.

One option would be to patch dpkg to read something like this:

struct stat sb;
if (stat(PATH_TO_FINKS_TAR) == 0) {
  execlp(PATH_TO_FINKS_TAR,"tar","-cf", "-", "--null", "-T", "-",
"--no-recursion", "--no-unquote", (char*)0);
} else {
  execlp(TAR,"tar","-cf", "-", "--null", "-T", "-", "--no-recursion",
"--no-unquote", (char*)0);

I'd still rather see a patch of the package in question. Can you tell
us what it is? Maybe we can come up with a safe way around the use of
strange paths.


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