Hi folks:

A package I am maintaing, coot, in its latest development phase (which  
I try to participate in), requires gtk+2 v. 2.10 or higher, which  
therefore requires the fink "pangocairo" branch, which in turn  
continues to mystify me (despite having read the fink wiki "The Great  
Gnome Update" page 

I have a few very basic questions:

1.  Is there an estimated date of release, or goal for one?

2.  What is the story with  fink package pango1-xft2-ft219-dev and  
pango1-xft2-dev ?  Why does only the first one provide libpangocairo,  
and if the two conflict and replace one another, why does the first  
one hide stuff in /sw/lib/pango-ft219/lib ?

3.  I've used PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/sw/lib/pango-ft219/lib/pkgconfig:$ 
{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}  to get coot's configure to find pangocairo.pc,  
which it then does.  Later in the compilation, libtool tries to find  
all the associated libtool files (libpangocairo-1.0.la,  
libpango-1.0.la and so forth) in /sw/lib and fails.  Similarly, it  
starts looking for pangocairo.pc and pango.pc in /sw/lib and fails.  I  
made symbolic links as a work-around, but obviously that isn't a  
viable solution. So my questions are:

a) Is pango1-xft2-ft219-dev obsolete and/or depreciated in favor of  
pango1-xft2-dev ?  If so, what should I tell the author of coot to do  
about this? Which one should we be aiming to use a year from now?

b) How do I force libtool to do the right thing?

For what it is worth, coot has about 150 dependencies, which apart  
from the above, all seem to work well enough to enable it to compile.


Bill Scott

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