17:53:45  gecko2> hm, got a feature request. currently fink only  
expands known files (tar.gz und such) and will copy unknown files. my  
request is, that i would like to have a field in the info file where i
                   can place a command to unpack the unknown file
17:54:42  dmacks> Sounds like  just "PatchScript: whacko-unzip  
17:55:06 = Ilgaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] quit (Read error: 110  
(Connection timed out))
17:55:10  gecko2> failes here
17:55:55  gecko2> cause the fink tries to cd SourceDirectory and will  
then use PatchScript
17:56:18  gecko2> s/the//
17:56:21  dmacks> Don't set SourceDirectroy.
17:56:38  gecko2> brb
18:03:07 = takaokouji [EMAIL PROTECTED] quit ()
18:03:22  gecko2> also failes
18:03:23  gecko2> Failed: directory /sw/.build/mksh-32.1-2/ 
mksh-32.1-2.cpio.gz doesn't exist, check the package description
18:03:23  gecko2> -rw-r--r--  1 fink-bld  fink-bld  248989 Mar  1  
18:03 /sw/.build/mksh-32.1-2/mksh-32.1-2.cpio.gz
18:03:40  gecko2> PatchScript: pax -zf %f.cpio.gz -r
18:04:06  dmacks> NoSetSourceDirectory:true ?
18:04:44  gecko2> well, thats the way i used before
18:05:05  dmacks> It's kinda hoop-jumpy I guess:/
18:05:17  gecko2> but somethink like UnpackScript would be nicer
18:06:08  dmacks> yeah, I can see that.
18:06:44  gecko2> btw, mksh-32.1-2.cpio.gz will expand to mksh/
18:07:22  dmacks> Would occur after all the existing unpacking stuff,  
but would have pwd=builddir/%f not the normal SorceDirectory.
18:07:58  dmacks> (so this particular case would still need  
SourceDirectory:mksh because the archive itself is weird)
18:08:26  gecko2> yea
18:11:20  dmacks> Makes good sense to me. Probably very rare usage,  
but certainly cleans up the .info
18:12:25  dmacks> Actually I guess it should *replace* the normal  
script, in case the archive looks like a recognizeable type but needs  
some weirdness to unpack it.
18:13:00  dmacks> (like PatchScript replaces the normal `patch`  
command, but provides a hook to run the default script if one still  
also wants it)
18:16:15  gecko2> yea

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