On Mar 21, 2008, at 6:25 PM, Jens Noeckel wrote:

On Mar 21, 2008, at 3:17 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:

On Mar 21, 2008, at 5:31 PM, Jack Howarth wrote:

 Does anyone know why when installing ghostscript 8.61-3 in fink
10.5 unstable,
the following dpkg warnings appear?

Preparing to replace ghostscript 8.61-3 (using .../
ghostscript_8.61-4_darwin-i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement ghostscript ...
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/usr/share/cups/model':
Directory not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/usr/share/cups':
Directory not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/usr/share': Directory
not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/usr/libexec/cups/
filter': Directory not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/usr/libexec/cups':
Directory not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/usr/libexec': Directory
not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/usr': Directory not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/private/etc/cups':
Directory not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/private/etc': Directory
not empty
dpkg: warning - unable to delete old file `/private': Directory not

I don't recall ever seeing anything like that before.

Actually this is from installing 8.61-4 over in place of 8.61-3.

8.61-3 installed files outside of the Fink tree--though I would have
thought the validator would have caught that:

$ dpkg -L ghostscript | grep -v "\/sw\/"

8.61-4 disables cups support so as not to install these files, and
dpkg is just warning you that it isn't going to delete files and
directories that aren't empty because you have stuff there.

sorry about that - it's a side effect of a mistake I made in the
previous revisions of ghostscript 8.61, where a few (trivial) files
slipped through and got installed outside of /sw, exactly in the
directories you list:

These are now being removed when ghostscript is updated.

Ghostscript thinks it needs to install these files in order to tie
itself into the CUPS printing system. This capability didn't exist in
earlier versions, and I overlooked that this new feature had been
made the default in version 8.61, and required a configure flag to
_disable_ it. That was the mistake I'm reverting in this revision

If there's another way of doing this without causing those warning
messages, that would be great - I don't want to cause alarm, but the
fact is that I let this slip through and thought this is the best way
to fix the fink policy violation.

So with this revision, CUPS printing is disabled, as it has been for
all previous versions all along. In a future version, one could
instead enable CUPS printing with a post-install script that the user
could run by hand.

Or maybe the devels could give me permission to write files into
those CUPS directories so that I don't have to make it so complicated
to install CUPS support? I don't feel strongly either way, but do
apologize if this hickup is causing trouble.


Take a look at the ghostcript-esp package. ESP GhostScript's CUPS support was rolled into standard GS so perhaps you can adopt the same solution. It uses a custom tool called 'finkcups' which users can run to install the files into /usr.


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