>> The package update I'm working on:
>> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1926383&group_id=17203&atid=414256
>> The error message:
>> Error: package contains a dylib with no corresponding Shlibs entry
>> (/sw/lib/magic/tcl/exttosim.dylib -> exttosim.dylib 0.0.0)
>>         If this is a private library, add
>> '!/sw/lib/magic/tcl/exttosim.dylib' to the Shlibs field.
> [more of these for other .dylib]
>> ... but I've done exactly that in Shlibs (no whitespace).
>> [puzzled look]
> I wonder if the validation-message is the problem. Notice that it
> first says that the target is "exttosim.dylib 0.0.0", but then later
> says that the Shlibs entry is "/sw/lib/magic/tcl/exttosim.dylib".
> Could you verify that the first line of the output of 'otool -L' on
> that file is indeed just "exttosim.dylib (compatibility version
> 0.0.0)", i.e., the simple filename rather than the full path? The
> Shlibs field is required to contain the install_name (what the file
> calls itself according to otool -L).

% pwd
% otool -L exttosim.dylib
         exttosim.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 
         /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (...)
         /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib (...)

> OTOH, that looks a lot like an upstream bug in the package too
> (similar to what dbreiser saw a week or so ago), where a library has a
> "simple filename" install_name instead of the full path to it.

So it looks like we only get a simple filename, no full path.
What corrective action should be taken?
I only need this to work as a private shared library for this package.

David Fang
Computer Systems Laboratory
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Cornell University
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