On 27 Mar 2008, at 01:21, Koen van der Drift wrote:
> On Mar 26, 2008, at 12:14 PM, Jean-François Mertens wrote:
>> Right, wx's cflags are missing from the libtool command (in
>> particular -I/sw/include/wx-2.8).
>> Is it really fink's  info file you are using for plplot ??  I get
>> there instead a command starting without "if " :
> Yeah, I checked my local directory, and there's no plplot info file
> present.
doesn't necessarily imply there is no diff ..
Can you do a 'fink dumpinfo -finfofile plplot', just to be sure it  
the one in unstable,
then a "cvs diff" on that file ?

>> Not that this change ("--enable-dependency-tracking" ?) seems
>> particularly relevant, but others might be ..
>> What do you see for WXWIDGETSINCCMD in your config.log ?
> And my PATH is: /sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/
> local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
> One other thing I noticed, if I look at the terminal during the
> configure, I also see this:
> ...
> configure: "User-specified path to the wxwidgets config file is /sw/ 
> bin"
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> -n
> Are all those -n's normal, I don't see them in the config.log?
here :
> configure: "User-specified path to the wxwidgets config file is /sw/ 
> bin"
> checking for dirname... dirname

> # fgrep -n 'dirname
> wxwidgets config' config.log
> 1434:configure:33394: "User-specified path to the wxwidgets config  
> file is /sw/bin"
> 1435:configure:35699: checking for dirname
> 1436:configure:35715: found /sw/bin/dirname
> 1437:configure:35726: result: dirname
(you'll probably find /usr/bin/dirname there, but that's immaterial)

So that tells you roughly the range of lines in configure where to look
("cat -n configure |fgrep -C1200 34550")
(and look also at this part of config.log)

Since it is longish, I really suggest you do the "cvs diff" before ..

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