Alexander Hansen wrote:
> I've got a couple of packages in my experimental tree:
> octplot was updated for Leopard courtesy of Peter Steinmetz (thanks!),  
> and gnuplot-wxmac is a modification to gnuplot to use Aqua wxWidgets  
> rather than the GTK version.  The wxt terminal from this gnuplot and  
> the -aqua variant of octplot suffer from the same affliction:  both  
> produce plot windows that aren't controllable.
> octplot-aqua explicitly tries to overcome this by reading in a  
> resource file using Rez, but that doesn't seem to work on Leopard  
> anymore.  The Aqua wx terminal for gnuplot doesn't do this, but I  
> tested it out in a build directory (i.e. before packing in a .deb) and  
> the behavior was the same.
> I was curious if anybody had a recipe to handle this situation.

I looked at this for gnuplot, but without conclusion yet. The usual 
recipe is "build app bundles".

There are actually examples for building app bundles in the wxmac 
sources, and it would be good if the wxmac28 package installed these 
demos and samples and the files necessary for building them, like 
src/mac/carbon/, instead of throwing them away with the 

A typical "make" output in one of these demos is as follows:

> costabel% make LDFLAGS_GUI="-L/sw/lib"
> g++ -o fractal  fractal_fractal.o  -framework QuickTime -framework IOKit 
> -framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework System    
> -L/sw/src/ -L/sw/lib   -lz 
> -lpthread -liconv -lwx_mac_core-2.8  -lwx_base_carbon-2.8      -lpng -lz 
> -ljpeg -ltiff -framework WebKit     -framework QuickTime -framework IOKit 
> -framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework System  -lz -lpthread -liconv 
> Rez -d __DARWIN__ -t APPL -d __WXMAC__     -i . -d WXUSINGDLL -i 
> ./../../samples  -i ../../include -o fractal Carbon.r sample.r
> SetFile -a C fractal
> /sw/src/ 
> /sw/src/ /sw fractal
> mkdir -p
> mkdir -p
> mkdir -p
> sed -e "s/IDENTIFIER/`echo . | sed -e 's,\.\./,,g' | sed -e 's,/,.,g'`/" \
>       -e "s/EXECUTABLE/fractal/" \
>       -e "s/VERSION/2.8.3/" \
>       ../../src/mac/carbon/ >
> echo -n "APPL????" >
> ln -f fractal
> cp -f ../../src/mac/carbon/wxmac.icns 

This does both voodoo incantations, the resource fork one and the app 
bundle one. I verified that (on 10.5) the resource fork one is not 
necessary (for this example, at least).

On the other hand, I don't know how to can gnuplot into an app bundle, 
so that it would still take its input from the command line or from 
stdin. I am not sure if this is possible at all (or did Apple's python 
do something like this?) One would perhaps have to create a new wxwidget 
for gnuplot command input or something similar.

Otherwise, one would need to outsource the wxt term code to a separate 
app called by gnuplot, that means reinvent aquaterm.


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