Alexander Hansen wrote:
> So let's say we updated r-base to 2.8.0.  It would install stuff in 
> %p/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.8 , and then anything that 
> linked to the older version of libR.dylib wouldn't be able to find it. 
> Currently only labplot and rpy-py* depend on r-base, so forcing rebuilds 
> isn't terribly hard (thought labplot takes a while to rebuild).  It 
> would be better to come up with a scheme in which we can leave the 
> library around for a particular R version (like our standard -shlibs).

Why not have a -shlibs splitoff and then choose new package names for 
every update, just as for any other package where the dylibs are clearly 
versioned? Whether the version is marked in the basename or in some 
other path componenent of the dylib shouldn't logically matter.


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