On Dec 10, 2008, at 3:56 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

> The problem with  
> () happened also to asymptote recently when it started using OpenGL/ 
> GLUT(in asymptote-1.50) . After some fruitless experimentation  
> rearranging the fork() stuff, the upstream author settled for  
> dumping fork() altogether and rewrote the code using pthreads. This  
> was not completely trivial and did not work immediately, because  
> Apple's GLUT insists on occupying the main thread, which was not the  
> original structure of the code. But it is working nicely now, both  
> on 10.4 and on 10.5 (asymptote-1.52).
> OTOH, I don't think the asymptote author seriously followed the  
> "exec yourself" suggestion which is given here, including sample code:
> <http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2005/tn2083.html#SECDAEMONVSFRAMEWORKS
> >
> Apple describe this only for the case of a daemon, but their sample  
> code could work also in a daemon-less situation. Could be worth  
> while trying.
> --
> Martin

The latter is essentially what is done in kdelibs3.  I'm not prepared  
to try any extensive rewriting of jpilot, but it's worth floating this  
idea upstream when I send a bugfix.

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