Matthias Neeracher wrote:
> Hmm, I must have been asleep at the wheel on this matter. Sorry about 
> that...
> On Dec 30, 2008, at 22:14 , Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Martin Costabel wrote:
>>> The xquartz X11 update packages have switched from
>>> /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/fonts.conf for the fontconfig conf file to
>>> /usr/X11/lib/X11/fontconfig/fonts.conf
>>> [...]
>>> I don't know the fontconfig xml based lingo, so I don't know if the
>>> <include> directive in /sw/share/fontconfig-path/fontconfig-path.conf
>>> can be conditionalized on the existence of one fonts.conf file or
>>> another. It is probably easier to do this in a PostInst script.
>> I've attached a modification to the .info and .patch file.
>> Essentially this works just as Martin suggests:  there are now
>> fontconfig-path.conf.oldx and fontconfig-path.conf.newx, and a
>> symbolic link to the appropriate version is generated at install time.
> Thanks for looking into this!
> While this would certainly be preferable over the current situation, I 
> find it somewhat unsatisfactory that this needs a reinstall if the 
> xquartz update gets applied behind the package's back. I'm leaning 
> toward including both the old and the new path.

BTW, in the meantime stock Leopard X11 switched to the new directory 
/usr/X11/lib/X11/fontconfig/ too. I think this happened with the 10.5.5 


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