Alexander Hansen wrote:
> I'm not seeing how this idea _wouldn't_ result in non-identical .deb
> files if we build on two otherwise identical setups:  you on a
> case-insensitive filesystem and me on a case-sensitive file system.  We
> _should_ be able to build the package on either, and install on either,
> without being able to tell where the thing was built. 

I second what Alex says; I would even go further: If the packages must 
be installed on the same flavor of file [in-]sensitivity as where it was 
built, it is broken. My case: I have /sw/src/ on a 
case-sensitive disk image, in order to catch build errors on such 
systems. But the rest of /sw, where the package will be installed, is on 
a case-insensitive file system.

As long as the HFS+ standard is case-insensitive, we have to make sure 
that packages don't (try to) build files with names that differ only by 


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