Trevor Harmon wrote:
> On Jul 7, 2009, at 12:27 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> This should be all right.
> Okay, so how do I map these version numbers (2 and 3.0.0) into the
> .info file? For example, here are the old portions of the .info that
> need updating:
>   ...
>   Package: svncpp0-dev
>   Depends: svncpp0-shlibs (= %v-%r)
>   ...
>   Files: <<
>     lib/libsvncpp.0.0.0.dylib
>     lib/libsvncpp.0.dylib
>   <<
>   Shlibs: <<
>     %p/lib/libsvncpp.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 0.6.0-11)
>   <<
> I'm not sure which numbers should be 2 and which should be 3.
> Note that if I change nothing, I get this error on build:
> /bin/mv
> /sw/src/
> /sw/src/
> mv: rename
> /sw/src/
> to
> /sw/src/
> Thanks,
> Trevor
You're going to need some new splitoffs here:  libsvncpp2-shlibs and
-dev, since the libversion changed.  libsvnccp2-dev will
Conflict/Replace libsvncpp0-dev. And it's worth checking whether
anything else happens to depdend on libsvncpp0-shlibs, because if so,
you'll need to leave the old rapidsvn .info file around so that
libsvncpp0-shlibs is still available.

The Files: will have the file names, of course:

Files: <<
(assuming it is 2.0.0)  since otherwise fink won't have the right
filenames to move to the -shlibs package.  That'd be the error you're
getting now.

In the Shlibs: field you'll have

    %p/lib/libsvncpp.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>=0.9.8-1)

(install_name of the library from otool -L) (compatibility_version of
the library from otool) (this package) (version where this install_name
and compatibility version first appeared)

If an update with a new compatibility version comes out, the last field
(>=0.9.8-1) will need updating.

It's worth updating the libversions of the dependencies if possible: 
svn16, db47, neon27, etc.

Alexander Hansen
Fink User Liaison

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