Hi Dave

I've fixed it by marking pdftk for 10.4 and 10.5 only. It should not  
show up in fink on 10.6.   :(   Maybe MacPorts still has it.

pdftk is an unhealthy amalgan of the java iText PDF library and a  
convenient command-line interface written in C++. If the command-line  
would have been written in Java instead of creating a maintenance  
nightmare of compiling iText as a native library, it would be still in  
Fink. The current problem is that the original code does things which  
are not possible in this setup. GCC up to 4.2 ignored this, but 4.3  
and higher (rightly) throw an compile error So, it can only compiled  
with gcc 4.2. Apple provides a gcc-4.2 on 10.6, but it does not  
provide the Java compiler. Compiling gcc-4.2 on Snow Leopard is rather  
tricky, so the Fink Core developers decided to get rid of it.

More on this here: http://trac.macports.org/ticket/13553

Jack Howarth mentioned a possible solution here: 
Jack: How far did you get? :)

I guess I'll also spend an evening to see, if I can just comment out  
the offending code. I'll keep you informed.


On 30.08.2009, at 22:51, David Kamholz wrote:

> Hi,
> I've installed the 64-bit fink on Snow Leopard. I noticed that pdftk  
> is now broken:
> Can't resolve dependency "gcc42-shlibs" for package  
> "pdftk-1.41-1" (no matching packages/versions found)
> Exiting with failure.
> gcc42 is a virtual package provided by Apple's XCode pkg. However,  
> there is no gcc42-shlibs virtual package (and I'm not sure if  
> Apple's install is appropriate for pdftk anyway). There is a gcc44- 
> shlibs, but that's not what pdftk depends on currently. I would  
> appreciate if you could fix the package. Thanks!
> Dave

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