On Nov 13, 2009, at 12:22 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:

> Leigh Smith wrote:
>> I've uploaded versions of the info and patch files required to build
>> SBCL v1.0.29 on MacOS 10.6.2. These were not written by me, they were
>> contributed by Andy Kitchen.
>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2892616&group_id=17203&atid=414256
>> <https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2892616&group_id=17203&atid=414256>
>> Download the sbcl-i386_1.0.29.info and sbcl_1.0.29.patch files, copy
>> them into sw/fink/10.6/local/main/finkinfo/ and run:
>> fink index
>> fink list sbcl
>> which should show that SBCL 1.0.29 is available for update.
>> SBCL v1.0.32 is able to build on 10.5 but fails on 10.6 in building as
>> 64 bit. There is yet to be a solution developed to build 1.0.32 on 10.6.X.
>> Leigh
>> --
>> Leigh M. Smith
>> mailto:le...@leighsmith.com
>> http://www.leighsmith.com
>> skype:aussieleighsmith
> ccing Jesse Alama, as the maintainer for the SBCL Intel package, as well
> as fink-devel.
> I have no time to deal with this right now.  I'm going to traveling to a
> meeting tomorrow, and won't be back until midweek next week. 
> You're going to need to rename the files, if they actually have
> underscores in them, because dpkg treats underscores as special.  Our
> standard is to use a hyphen (-) instead.
> My inclination, however, is not to update anything for Intel beyond
> 1.0.29 until upstream comes up with a fix, since having an earlier
> version on 10.5 than 10.6 breaks the upgrade path.  PowerPC is another
> matter, though if I had my druthers, I'd prefer not to have to have
> separate maxima packages for the two architectures; but since there's no
> upgrade path issue I'd be willing to bend on that.

I can confirm Leigh's experience: I can't build 1.0.32 as a 32-bit application 
(it fails some tests) on my 10.6.2 MacBook Pro.  On the SBCL bug tracker, the 
issue is acknowledged.  We simply have to wait, I'm afraid; the issues don't 
seem to be one of packaging, but a genuine problem upstream.


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