Hi Ben, hi fink-devel,

the Xiph people just released new versions of libogg, libvorbis, 
vorbis-tools... and libao. Yeah, really, after many many years, there is a new 
libao release, and it's now at 1.0.0. They dropped support for 10.4 in it, 

But after looking through the code, I am concerned that they may have 
(accidentally?) dropped support for 10.5, too: Their code is using 
"AudioComponentInstance", and AFAIK this was only introduced in 10.6 (a grep 
through my 10.5 SDK seems to confirm this). Unfortunately I just switched to 
10.6, so I cannot confirm this with a test compile myself.

So, it would good if somebody with a 10.5 machine could test the attached 
*experimental* libao4 package (yes, they changed the compat version); if 10.5 
support is really broken, a report should be written ASAP.

Ben: Do you want to adopt libao4 (feel free to use the .info file I made; 
although it still needs more work), or should I take it? And note that IMO it 
makes most sense if a single person maintains both libao2 and libao4


Attachment: libao4-1.0.0.info
Description: Binary data

Attachment: libao4-1.0.0.patch
Description: Binary data

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