The upcoming gcc 4.5.0 release contains changes
in the debug code generation at higher optimization
levels which will make it incompatible with older
gdb releases (ie Apple's). Fortunately, the gdb 7.x
releases will now build on both i386-apple-darwin*
and x86_64-apple-darwin*. I have placed test packaging
for a fsf-gdb package which installs the gdb programs
with the fsf- prefix on fink tracking...

There is one problem with using FSF gdb on darwin.
Since 10.5.8, the access to the required Mach port
for debugging has been restricted to code signed
applications. So currently, one has to run gdb as
root or use sudo. We should be able to create our
own local openssl certificates and code sign the
fink gdb program though the procedures described...

Unfortunately, in 10.5, the ability to create and add
certificates to the keychain via the command line was

What I was considering was an approach where, if feasible,
we bundle an openssl certificate with the package and provide
a shell script that would walk the user through the
manual importation steps in the KeyChain applcation.
Hopefully, we can then find a command line approach to
check for the certificate in the KeyChain for future
reinstalls or upgrades and automatically code sign the
installed fsf-gdb binary using the installed certificate.
ps Needless to say, the gdb developers were not happy that
Apple did this after all the effort to support intel darwin
as a target.

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